Asphalt RepairPotholes on the street can breed smaller potholes in your driveway or even a walkway. Fortunately, you can fix small potholes. This Fix-It Guide on asphalt repair tells how asphalt works, what often goes wrong, how to identify the problem, and what parts and tools you will ...
How do you fix potholes in a gravel road? Fixing Deep Pits in Gravel Driveway Step 1: Clear the Hole. You'll need a tamper, some coarse gravel, gravel that matches the driveway surface, and a shovel. ... Step 2: Fill the Hole. Fill the hole to a depth of around 3 inches below...
A gravel driveway is generally the least expensive with an average price tag of $1,500. Most homeowners spend between $2,250 and $5,900 to install a gravel driveway. While asphalt and concrete are widely favored, gravel is popular for long driveways, usually found in rural areas. The si...
While it is possible to learn the necessary skills for a career in construction through on-the-job training, most people choose to complete classes and apprenticeships before beginning work. This is a good option for people who want to become certified in a specific trade, such as electrical w...
there were snow rollers. The rollers didn't remove or plow snow, they simply packed the snow down to make a smoother surface. Roads back then were not smooth to begin with – there were ruts, potholes, crevasses...all getting filled with packed snow by snow rollers to make the roads ...