OCS: No schema for Disab led at 12 index OC: Driver Hfaplus.efi at 0 cannot be found! Halting on critical error 解决方法:缺少文件,在里面添加 OCUI: Failed to load images Halting on critical error 解决方法:开启了OpenCore 的 UI 界面,但是没有配置到OC 的 Resource 文件。下载Resource文件并复制...
ScanPolicy设置为显示所有驱动器0 拥有适当的固件驱动程序,例如ApfsDriverLoader和HfsPlus(或VBoxHfs) 如果您正在运行网络恢复安装,则启用AvoidHighAlloc 十五、用OpenCore引导后黑屏 解决方案: 这个问题主要是由于缺少ConsoleGOP请在您的配置下启用它:UEFI->Output->ProvideConsoleGOP 如果这没有帮助,用调试版的OpenCore.ef...
HfsPlus.ef..大佬们,这个怎么回事,这个.efi我有放在driver里面,config.plist也有添加,怎么冒出来这错误,查了网上的都是cannot be found,我这个是不能加载救救孩子吧顶
I already try to redownload and replace HfsPlusLegacy.efi , but the error persist. Then I start to track down which commit affect this behavior and I found that 6163813 is the culprit, it's log says about PeImage and PeCoffLib. Before this commit all just fine to load HfsPlusLegacy.efi ...
Boot.efi Loading: Locates boot.efi in the /System/Library/CoreServices directory of an HFS+ system drive. Loads the contents of boot.efi for potential execution by the UEFI firmware.Project StructureHFSPlusFileOps.h/c: Implements the core HFS+ file system logic, including file reading, writing...
Boot.efi Loading: Locates boot.efi in the /System/Library/CoreServices directory of an HFS+ system drive. Loads the contents of boot.efi for potential execution by the UEFI firmware.Project StructureHFSPlusFileOps.h/c: Implements the core HFS+ file system logic, including file reading, writing...