Stuck onOC: Driver XXX.efi at 0 cannot be found Verify that your EFI/OC/Drivers matches up with your config.plist -> UEFI -> Drivers Note that the entries are case-sensitive. Stuck onBuffer Too Small Enable Above4GDecoding in the BIOS Stuck onPlist only kext has CFBundleExecutable key ...
Stuck onOC: Driver XXX.efi at 0 cannot be found Verify that your EFI/OC/Drivers matches up with your config.plist -> UEFI -> Drivers Note that the entries are case-sensitive. Stuck onBuffer Too Small Enable Above4GDecoding in the BIOS Stuck onPlist only kext has CFBundleExecutable key ...
I already try to redownload and replace HfsPlusLegacy.efi , but the error persist. Then I start to track down which commit affect this behavior and I found that 6163813 is the culprit, it's log says about PeImage and PeCoffLib. Before this commit all just fine to load HfsPlusLegacy.efi ...
修复了在OpenDuet中加载非固件运行时驱动程序(例如OpenRuntime.efi)的问题 解决了OpenDuet中使用NOOPT...
Can be found under UEFI -> Output IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio missing, this is needed for Broadwell and older. Not for AMD and Skylake or newer 卡在 [EB|#LOG:EXITBS:START]全称应该是 EfiBoot|#LOG:ExitBootServices:START,由于 OC 贴近底层,所以⽇志被尽量简化了。实际上,这和 EndRandomSeed 是...
HfsPlus.ef..大佬们,这个怎么回事,这个.efi我有放在driver里面,config.plist也有添加,怎么冒出来这错误,查了网上的都是cannot be found,我这个是不能加载救救孩子吧顶
要在您的系统上使用 Open Core 的 HFS Plus 驱动程序,您需要下载 HfsPlus.efi 文件。这可通过访问酸风铃的 OcBinaryData 仓库实现,该仓库位于其 GitHub 主页的 master 分支中。HFS Plus 驱动程序对 Open Core 来说是关键组件,它允许 Open Core 启动 HFS+ 卷。尽管 APFS 已经是 macOS 的默认卷...
OcBinaryData/HfsPlus.efi at master · acidanthera/OcBinaryData HFS Plus 是 Open Core 的驱动程序,...
解决方法:打开config.plist文件,在Misc-Security里面设置,填写 0 扫描所有内容并开启所有选项,如图 解决方法: 1、在Booter→Quirks里面设置 2、在UEFI-Quirks里面设置 3、主板BIOS里面无法关闭CFG和VT-D时,加勾选 解决方法: 1、检查所注入的核显 ig-platform-id,可以先设置成12345678。
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