RdJokr Member Guru Messages: 144 Likes Received: 0 GPU: MSI GTX 750 Ti TF / 2GB HeavyHemi said: ↑ http://www.geforce.com/hardware/technology/mfaa And my 1st gen Maxwell card is just sitting here like "screw that". RdJokr, Jan 23, 2015 #93 Shabadoo Member Messages: 10 Like...
Messages: 2,928 Likes Received: 1,129 GPU: Gigabyte 3060 Ti Great driver so far. LocoDiceGR, Mar 20, 2020 #36 Undying, SpajdrEX and OnnA like this. jeff69dini Member Messages: 48 Likes Received: 1 GPU: evga 2gb gtx 750ti are these wddm 2.7 drivers? jeff69dini, Mar 20...
RdJokr Member Guru Messages: 144 Likes Received: 0 GPU: MSI GTX 750 Ti TF / 2GB I find it ridiculous that only the 2nd gen Maxwell cards get MFAA at this point, while 1st gen ones are treated like Kepler cards. Just ridiculous. RdJokr, Nov 18, 2014 #45 Anarion Ancient Guru...
Messages: 673 Likes Received: 30 GPU: Asus GTX1080Ti StrX TurboMan said: ↑ Ok, thanks. They installed with no problems. I deleted that folder just in case afterwards. I really like these drivers so far ! Smooth gameplay in BF4. :thumbup: What are you resolution and settings please...
RdJokr Member Guru Messages: 144 Likes Received: 0 GPU: MSI GTX 750 Ti TF / 2GB ManuelG said: ↑ No. Most of the fixes are R337/early R340.43 reported issues. Damn... Any progress update on it though? It would be nice to know if a fix is possible. RdJokr, Aug 8, 2014 ...
RdJokr Member Guru Messages: 144 Likes Received: 0 GPU: MSI GTX 750 Ti TF / 2GB So, is MFAA gonna be made available for non-2nd gen Maxwell cards any time soon? Or are they gonna make this *** exclusive like TXAA again? RdJokr, Jan 23, 2015 #79 HeavyHemi Guest RdJokr...
k-1 Active Member Messages: 66 Likes Received: 0 GPU: EVGA GTX 980 TI SC Same performance pre-and-post patch running R340.43. Framerate is fine, Just the stuttering is a problem. 1) ASUS GTX 770 2 way SLI 2) Windows 7 x64 3) Single player 4) All Ultra apart from high ...
Can confirm, if it has a LAN chipset made by Intel it's fine. Do it and enjoy. BenRivers Member 10 PostedJuly 22, 2022 I have an AMD CPU but I recently factory reset my pc and Im seeing this driver. Is there any way to remove this driver when i update windows?