Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB, AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB, or equivalent DX11 compatible GPU with 2GB of memory". EA should change the wording of its error message which is misleading. So sorry you cannot play this game on your laptop but at least you know the reason for ...
jeff69dini Member Messages: 48 Likes Received: 1 GPU: evga 2gb gtx 750ti do these drivers support amd apu's such as the 7840hs? jeff69dini, Nov 12, 2023 #9255 Darnias Member Messages: 25 Likes Received: 3 GPU: Radeon leeweesin said: ↑ Is the latest drive...
Messages: 2,928 Likes Received: 1,129 GPU: Gigabyte 3060 Ti Great driver so far. LocoDiceGR, Mar 20, 2020 #36 Undying, SpajdrEX and OnnA like this. jeff69dini Member Messages: 48 Likes Received: 1 GPU: evga 2gb gtx 750ti are these wddm 2.7 drivers? jeff69dini, Mar 20...
The desktop is a HP e9280t also with a Core I7, 8MB ram, Samsung SSD (for boot drive), Nvidia GeForce GTX 750Ti 2GB GDDR5 graphics (excellent replacement for original AMD card and supported), Logitech backlit keyboard, great HD 22" monitor...etc. It's also ...
GPU:GeForce GTX660,750 Ti,950, or1050 RAM:4GB OS:Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 (64-bit versions) For Honor Official Recommended System Requirements For 1080p 60 FPS CPU:Intel Core i5-2500K or AMD FX-6350 or equivalent GPU:GeForce GTX 1060orGeForce GTX 970 ...
CPU: i5 760 @2.8 GHz (This is slightly below minimum spec but doesn't seem to be an issue. I have it set to allow overclocking up to about 3.2GHz) GPU: nVidia GTX 770 with latest driver (361.91) RAM: 8GB I suspect maybe nVidia just needs to add driver support for the game but ...
Go to solutionSolved by Beerzerker,July 22, 2022 Can confirm, if it has a LAN chipset made by Intel it's fine. Do it and enjoy. BenRivers Member 10 PostedJuly 22, 2022 I have an AMD CPU but I recently factory reset my pc and Im seeing this driver. Is there any way to remove ...
SERVERS i5-3470, i5-3470, i5-4590 GPUS MSI 750Ti 4GB, BFG GTS 250 1GB, GTX 690 RAMS 3x 16GB 2x8 1866 C8 PSUS 2x EVGA 1000T2 COOLERS Stock, Stock, Custom Loop BOARDS Intel, Intel, EVGA Classified SSD x3 860 250G HDDS I don't care to list CASES Optiplex, Optiplex, 2000s Water...
RdJokr Member Guru Messages: 144 Likes Received: 0 GPU: MSI GTX 750 Ti TF / 2GB HeavyHemi said: ↑ And my 1st gen Maxwell card is just sitting here like "screw that". RdJokr, Jan 23, 2015 #93 Shabadoo Member Messages: 10 Like...
RdJokr Member Guru Messages: 144 Likes Received: 0 GPU: MSI GTX 750 Ti TF / 2GB I get this weird issue with Far Cry 4, when I turn on TXAA. The bottom of the screen has some weird pink artifacts with TXAA on, whether it's 2x or 4x. MSAA and SMAA has no problems, other tha...