The wind drifted the boat toward the shore. 風把船吹向岸邊。 5. Conversations from his past, or perhaps hallucinations , drifted in and out of his thoughts. 他旧日的言谈话语---或者也许是幻觉,在他脑子里漂进荡出。 6. Mr. Wynn: As much as a West...
He grew tired, anddriftedoff into a drugged sleep. 他累了,在药物的作用下迷迷糊糊地睡着了。 柯林斯例句 The dirt from the fieldsdriftedlike snow. 地里扬起的尘土像雪花一样被吹积成堆。 柯林斯例句 We haddrifteddownstream. 我们漂向了下游。
Drifted brings you the best games, tuning guides, technical guides, product reviews, car features and event reports by drifters, for drifters.
Drifted brings you the best games, tuning guides, technical guides, product reviews, car features and event reports by drifters, for drifters.
1.To be carried along by currents of air or water:a balloon drifting eastward; as the wreckage drifted toward shore. 2.To proceed or move unhurriedly or aimlessly:drifting among the party guests; a day laborer, drifting from town to town. ...
同义词 bar2bankmound 翻译到中文 英语中的定义 n. 1. (仪表的)漂移;偏移;【无线】偏移;偏差;偏航,偏流;(飞弹的)航差 2. (政策等的)坐观,放任自流 3. 〈外〉浅滩,滩 4. 〈方〉(鸟等)群 5. 【机】冲头,冲孔器;打桩器 6. 【矿】水平巷道;小平道 ...
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drifted drifting 漂,漂流 He watched the boat drift downstream.他看着船向下游漂去。 漂泊,游荡 Many country girls drifted into cities to seek work.许多农村姑娘流入城市找工作。 吹积 渐渐趋向 The firm is drifting towards bankruptcy.那家商行快要破产了。 逐渐陷入 逐渐地睡着了 transitive verb: 使漂流...
Taha - Drifted