draw的过去式 drew英语解释 名词drew: United States actor (born in Ireland); father of Georgiana Emma Barrymore (1827-1862) 同义词:John Drew 动词draw: cause to move by pulling 同义词:pull, draw, force get or derive 同义词:reap, draw ...
drew 英[druː] 词汇频率: IRREG FORM. 不规则形式 1. draw的过去式 Drew is the past tense of draw. 新东方在线雅思考试热词 雅思报名 雅思考试时间 雅思成绩 雅思听力 雅思口语 雅思阅读 雅思写作 雅思词汇 雅思报名条件 雅思考试时间表 关注新东方在线考雅课程中心 免费获取雅思备考资料包 ...
1. Hello! Drew is the past tense of "draw," which means to pull, to paint, to drag, or to pull out.2. For example, "We drew with Ireland in the first game" means that in the first match, our team had a tie with Ireland.
Drew Definition verb Past tense of draw. Source:American Heritage Dictionary biographical name John 1827–1862 Am. (Irish-born) actor. Source:Merriam-Webster John 1853–1927 Am. actor. Source:Merriam-Webster What happened to our word finder? No worries we just moved it. You can find ithereor...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishdrew/druː/verbthepasttenseofdraw Pictures of the day What are these? Click on the pictures to check. Word of the daymarto make something less attractive or enjoyable
英[druː]美 [dru] 基本词汇 解释 v. 牵引(draw的过去式);描绘;起草 n. (Drew)人名;(英)德鲁 ※ 提供单词"drew"的中文意思、发音示范及音标对照,中英文词源、例句和用法等。 英文词源 drew Old Englishdreow, past tense of draw (v.).
drew/druː/verb x-refthe past tense ofdrawdraw的过去式 时代网英语在线翻译词典收录了323754条英语词汇在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用英语词汇的中英文双语翻译及用法,是英语学习的有利工具。
simple past tense of draw. Drew2 [ droo ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun Charles Richard, 1904–50, U.S. physician: developer of blood-bank technique. Daniel, 1797–1879, U.S. financier and capitalist. John, 1827–62, U.S. actor, born in Ireland. his son, John, 1853–1927, U.S...
Definition of drew down past tense of draw down Get Custom Synonyms Enter your own sentence containing drew down , and get words to replace it.as in spentto make complete use of I drew down my bank account just paying for tuition ...
A:Drewis the simple past tense and drawn is the past participle 查看更多回答 Q:Drew和 I draw every day. And. I drew every day 的差別在哪裡? A:I drAw every day = lo hago todos los días y sigo haciendlo. I drEw every day = solía hacerlo, pero ahora, no lo hago. ...