This is a reference page for draw verb forms in present, past and participle tenses. Find conjugation of draw. Check past tense of draw here.
(droː) –past tense drew (druː) : past participle drawn – verb 1. to make a picture or pictures (of), usually with a pencil, crayons etc. During his stay in hospital he drew a great deal; Shall I draw a cow?dibujar 2. to pull along, out or towards oneself. She drew the...
draw /drɔːdrɒː/ verb (past tense drew /druː/, past participle drawn /drɔːndrɒːn/) [transitive]1 (also draw out) to take money from your bank accountMany credit cards can now be used to draw cash from ATMs around the world.All the money in his account has ...
past tensedrewus/dru/|past participledrawnus/drɔn/ drawverb(PICTURE) [I/T] to make apictureof something or someone with apencil,pen, etc.: [T]Thechilddrew apictureof adog. drawverb(MOVE) [Ialways+ adv/prep] tomovein aparticulardirection: As we drew near, adogstartedtobark. draw...
英[drɔː] 美[drɔ] 英英释义同义词辨析词组搭配考试真题实用场景例句 近义词attractmagnetizelureinterest vt. 画;拉;吸引 vi. 拉;拖 n. 平局;抽签 n. (Draw)人名;(英)德劳 CET4TEM4考研TOEFLCET6高频词基本词汇 词态变化 第三人称单数:draws;过去式:drew;过去分词:drawn;现在分词:drawing; ...
happen. When used as a noun, it refers to a tie, a lottery, or the act of pulling out a sword.2. The third-person singular present tense of "draw" is "draws." The past participle is "drawn," and the past tense is "drew." The present continuous tense is "drawing."
1200, drauen, spelling alteration of Old English dragan "to drag, to draw, protract" (class VI strong verb; past tense drog, past participle dragen), from Proto-Germanic *draganan "to draw, pull" (source also of Old Norse draga "to draw, drag, pull," Old Saxon dragan "to carry,"...
draw (v.) c. 1200, spelling alteration of Old Englishdragan"to drag, to draw, protract" (class VI strong verb; past tensedrog, past participledragen), from Proto-Germanic*dragan"to draw, pull" (cognates: Old Norsedraga"to draw," Old Saxondragan, Old Frisiandraga, Middle Dutchdraghen, ...
(droː)–past tensedrew(druː):past participledrawn–verb make a picture or pictures (of),usuallywith a pencil, crayonsetc.During his stay in hospital he drew a great deal;Shall I draw a cow?dibujar pull along, out or towards oneself.She drew the child towards her;He ...
2. The -ing form of a verb, also known as the present participle, differs from the past participle in that it does not indicate completion of an action. Both the present participle and the past participle are derived from the verb by adding -ing, and they share the ...