Like these days, I do care about speaking good English, getting good scores in the IELTS exam, so I’ve put my heart and soul into (全身心投入到) English learning, bury my head in (埋头做某事) books every day, even pull an all nighter to (熬夜做某事) study for the exams (复习考...
Dream job已练习 0/ 0 去练习 Q1: What was the dream job for you when you were young? 264 人练过 共306条录音 查看题目详情 > 去练习 Q2: Have you changed your mind on your dream job? 195 人练过 共219条录音 查看题目详情 > 去练习 Q3: What do you plan to do in the ...
回答示例:My dream job is to become a wildlife photographer. I have a passion for capturing the beauty of nature and documenting the behaviors of wildlife, and I hope to raise awareness about the importance of conservation and environmental protection through my photographs. 备考思路:在备考过程中,...
So the other day, I dreamt that I was actually taking the IELTS exam, and I did a surprisingly good job. For the listening part, I could understand basically all of the recordings, it's like I was listening to a Chinese person's lecture. And when I was doing the reading comprehension...
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Through the job interview, people who look for a job will have a better chance of getting a good one and those who need people to do a job will have a better chance of finding someone that is qualified. 英语四级作文:My Dream,My Dream 15 ...
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