资深备考雅思同学肯定知道,雅思口语Part 1最开始发问的三个高频话题,就是work or study,hometown和accommodation。在考试的最开始,给考官留下一个好印象有多么重要,我们就不必强调了吧!复习雅思这么久也肯定听过一个叫做OG的东西,它就是我们平时说的官方指南(The Official Cambridge Guide of IELTS),就跟考试大纲一...
1. Why did you choose that job? Frankly speaking, my major at university had nothing to do with what I’m doing at the moment. I selected this job mainly because it suits my personality as a sociable and friendly person. Besides, my boss offered me a high salary. 2. Do you enjoy y...
雅思口语Part1(Ielts Speaking part1) 雅思口语Part1话题:学习和工作(Study & Job) Do you miss being a student? Are you looking forward to working? Do you prefer to study in the mornings or the afternoons? 2024-11-30 PART3:10 雅思口语Part1话题:农村(Countryside) If so, who do you ...
Talk about your dream job, future jobis a familiar and basic topic in the IELTS Speaking test. Here are some frequently asked questions aboutWork/Jobtopics in IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Work/Job 1. Do you work or study? Well, I’m a fresh graduate. Currently, I’m working as a Chin...
1. Is it hard to find a good job in your country? 思路: 可以先开头说一下自己不是很清楚。然后说一下可能不太容易,因为现在毕业生越来越多,竞争也变的很激烈。不过可能有相关工作经验并且在面试时表现的谦虚有礼貌也会有帮助。 误区: 注意在Part 3 部分不要用太绝对...
Cinema/Films/Movies IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers Kasturika Samanta Our Offices Bengaluru Gurgaon City Scape Gurgaon BPTP Kolkata Chennai Hyderabad Mumbai Bengaluru 2nd Floor, Building 208 Hustlehub Tech Park Building, Somasundarapalya Main Rd, adjacent 27th Main Road, ITI Layout, Secto...
IELTS 首页 练习 模考 公开课 提分课程 备考资讯 满分主讲 APP 我的雅思 登录 练习栏目> 机经> PART1 Dream job Dream job已练习 0/ 0 去练习 Q1: What was the dream job for you when you were young? 264 人练过 共306条录音 查看题目详情 > 去练习 Q2: Have you changed...
VERB + JOBdoHe got six months for that last job he did.| bungleThe gang bungled the job and got caught.> Note atJOB IELTS Speaking Topics (part 1,2,3) IELTS Essay Writing Topics IELTS Writing Ideas Free Collocation Download
Talk about your dream job hay future job là một chủ đề khá quen thuộc trong IELTS speaking part 2 Đọc ngay để biết cách làm bài hiệu quả
IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card. Describe a fascinating job that you have heard about. You should say: what kind of job it is how you heard about this job how can someone get this job and explain why you think it is a fascinating job. ...