Drawn: The past participle of draw, pronounced /drɔːn/ or /drɑːn/, adds a final "n" sound. Drawer: This word, meaning a sliding storage compartment, is pronounced /ˈdrɔːr/ or /ˈdrɑːr/, with a stressed first syllable and a slightly shorter vowel sound. Drawi...
NSDrawer.Notifications NSDrawerDelegate NSDrawerDelegate_Extensions NSDrawerState NSEdgeInsets NSEditorRegistration_Extensions NSEPSImageRep NSEvent NSEventButtonMask NSEventGestureAxis NSEventMask NSEventModifierMask NSEventMouseSubtype NSEventPhase NSEventSubtype NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions NSEventTrackHandler NS...
Thank you for taking the time to report any bugs or to request an enhancement to Chalk Draw application. Feedback is very important to us. We will do our best to answer queries. Email us at drawerfree@gmail.com What’s New Nov 4, 2024 ...
NSDrawer NSDrawer.Notifications NSDrawerDelegate NSDrawerDelegate_Extensions NSDrawerState NSEdgeInsets NSEditorRegistration_Extensions NSEPSImageRep NSEvent NSEventButtonMask NSEventGestureAxis NSEventMask NSEventModifierMask NSEventMouseSubtype NSEventPhase NSEventSubtype NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions NSEventTrack...
NSDrawer.Notifications NSDrawerDelegate NSDrawerDelegate_Extensions NSDrawerState NSEdgeInsets NSEditorRegistration_Extensions NSEPSImageRep NSEvent NSEventButtonMask NSEventGestureAxis NSEventMask NSEventModifierMask NSEventMouseSubtype NSEventPhase NSEventSubtype NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions NSEventTrackHandler NS...
Another reason we may treat “drawer” as having a single morpheme, I suspect, is because we strongly associate the suffix-erwith the agentive case; that is, we add “-er” to words to suggest an active rather than passive noun. The situation is more complex than that (British “trainers...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromwiredrawing) wire·draw (wīr′drô′) tr.v.wire·drew(-dro͞o′),wire·drawn(-drôn′),wire·draw·ing,wire·draws 1.To draw (metal) into wire. 2.To treat (a subject, for example) with great length, excessive detail, or overrefi...
1200, drauen, spelling alteration of Old English dragan "to drag, to draw, protract" (class VI strong verb; past tense drog, past participle dragen), from Proto-Germanic *draganan "to draw, pull" (source also of Old Norse draga "to draw, drag, pull," Old Saxon dragan "to carry,"...
/ drR:(r); drRr/ n 1 box-like container, with one or more handles but no lid, that slides in and out of a piece of furniture, etc 抽屉: the middle drawer of my desk 我的写字台中间的抽屉 *|clear out one's drawers 清理抽屉. =>illus at App 1 见附录 1 之插图, page xvi. 2...
"give motion to by the act of pulling," c. 1200,drauen, spelling alteration of Old Englishdragan"to drag, to draw, protract" (class VI strong verb; past tensedrog, past participledragen), from Proto-Germanic*draganan"to draw, pull" (source also of Old Norsedraga"to draw, drag, pull...