This guide tells you everything you need to know to play Arcane Mage in a PvP environment. Updated for Dragonflight Season 4
The new talent system is pretty great, but it works best when leveling a new character, as you get to explore the new talents little by little. However, if youre a new player or when youre jumping in to a pre-Dragonflight pre-patch alt, and especially if
Once your changes are applied and you have your talent build completed, it’s easy to change your talent choices. Simply right click any talent to unlearn it. If you want to reset a whole tree, you can right click a talent on an upper row and it will automatically unlearn talents under...
The new talent system looks like shit. You'll all come to realize it eventually, but its just the same abilities/talents that are already in the game, spread out over 61 talent points - which means oh yes, there will be pruning. Oh ya and its pretty obv which talents are absolute...
want, but it’s easier to create builds in these trees and save them so that you can load them at a later date. This allows you to put together a healer build for when your team is ready to raid and use a separate set of skills for a day when you might want to focus on PvP....
Now... this'll piss off blizzard because it ruins their whole "Innovative unique talent system with multiple builds" because now players are doing what they have ALWAYS done..and are all using the exact same talent build. SO! Blizzard will start to nerf these builds everyone ...
Really excited to see PVP talent trees and PVE talent trees this will be amazing 2 Likes Sensation-malganis April 19, 2022, 5:21pm 15 I’m sure in time more information will come out as the expansion progresses. While overall was very refreshing, I am concerned by such a lack of ...
Protection Warrior is also trash although he does have some really cool talents. They have something called shield charge which is really good. They also have a heroic leap stun in their PvP talent which is pretty crazy because you can AOE stun. So you can ac...
and import a talent build directly into the game is a nice convenience for those who don't feel like diving into the nitty-gritty details themselves. The new talent tree system is overall a huge success, with every new level gained and every talent point spent feeling imp...