Find out how to play your Holy Holy in PvP: spells, rotation, attitude, playstyle, etc. Updated for Dragonflight 10.2.7
these strengths that have existed for multiple expansions at this point are only amplified by new talents in Dragonflight and now The War Within.Holy Shockhas received many talents to increase its power and have the ability to feel as strong as ever. Regardless of whether you prefer Mythic+,...
-- PvP Talents spec:RegisterPvpTalents( { absolute_faith = 1927, -- (408853) Leap of Faith also pulls the spirit of the 3 furthest allies within 40 yards and shields you and the affected allies for 12,331. catharsis = 5485, -- (391297) 15% of all damage you take is stored...
Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail) - hekili/Dragonflight/PaladinHoly.lua at thewarwithin · Hekili/hekili
The Holy Crusade is a fast-growing World of Warcraft Guild focused on becoming the greatest community for Dragonflight. Whether you're looking for Raiding, PvP, Leveling, or Simply a Community, we're what you're looking for.
When you look at the other Hero Path talent trees and specifically Frostfire and Dark Ranger, you can see how the talents interact with your normal playstyle and just add more. What you’re suggesting is just extra stuff that doesn’t really make you better at what you already do. This ...
-Integrate some of the cooler PvP talents somehow -talent WoG into a cleaving heal like BFA so it's actually useful outside of PvP -Make shield of vengeance not a complete joke -Talent for wake to let it have a proc to auto delete demons and undead again I don't know, personally I...
heal or support their raid, Prot Paladins may have talents that improve Justice's CC control utilities for things such as Mythic+ and PvP, and Ret may have its own utilities that add onto the Seals to morph them to suit their needs(such as cleave or DoT's akin to Seal of Vengeance)....
. I do, however, find it super annoying that a squadmate has to be in your party in order for you to access their talents. Especially early in the game, while I’m on the Normandy, trying to upgrade weapons. How am I supposed to know what to give if I can’t check what their ...
Tips on this page were written with Season 4 in mind and not any Dragonflight changes that have occurred to the class. During the Dragonflight Pre-Patch, Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones will be simultaneously featured as Fated Raids. During this time en...