1. The Basics of Stats for Survival Hunter 1.1. General Stat Priority The general stat priority for a Survival Hunter is: Haste, to around 30%; Critical Strike, to around 44; Versatility; More Haste and Crit; Mastery. The main takeaway for Survival Hunter is that Mastery is really bad ...
HunterSurvival.lua MageArcane.lua MageFire.lua MageFrost.lua MonkBrewmaster.lua MonkMistweaver.lua MonkWindwalker.lua PaladinHoly.lua PaladinProtection.lua PaladinRetribution.lua PriestDiscipline.lua PriestHoly.lua PriestShadow.lua RogueAssassination.lua RogueOutlaw.lua RogueSubtlety.lua ShamanElem...
) spec:RegisterSetting( "zerk_biteweave", false, { name = strformat( "%s Biteweave", Hekili:GetSpellLinkWithTexture( spec.abilities.berserk.id ) ), desc = function() return strformat( "If checked, the default priority will recommend %s more often when %s or %s is active.\n\n...
HunterSurvival.lua Items.lua MageArcane.lua MageFire.lua MageFrost.lua MonkBrewmaster.lua MonkMistweaver.lua MonkWindwalker.lua PaladinHoly.lua PaladinProtection.lua PaladinRetribution.lua PriestDiscipline.lua PriestHoly.lua PriestShadow.lua RogueAssassination.lua RogueOutlaw.lua RogueSubtlety.lua Sha...
stat.haste = stat.haste + 0.01 end addStack( "cadence_of_fujieda" ) end end, }, bloodrage = { id = 329038, cast = 0, cooldown = 20, gcd = "off", spend = function() return 0.05 * health.max end, spendType = "health", pvptalent = "bloodrage", startsCombat = fals...
"|cFFFFD100None|r:\nUse on cooldown if priority conditions are met.", spec.abilities.antimagic_shell.name, _G.RUNIC_POWER, _G.RUNIC_POWER, spec.abilities.antimagic_shell.name ), type = "select", width = "full", values = { ["damage"] = "Damage", ["defensives"] =...
( "teachings_of_the_monastery" ) end if pvptalent.alpha_tiger.enabled and debuff.recently_challenged.down then if buff.alpha_tiger.down then stat.haste = stat.haste + 0.10 applyBuff( "alpha_tiger" ) applyDebuff( "target", "recently_challenged" ) end end end, }, tigereye_brew ...
the addon will swap to Moonkin Form based on the default priority.", type = "toggle", width = "full" } ) ]] --[[ spec:RegisterSetting( "filler_regrowth", false, { name = "|T136085:0|t Use Regrowth as Filler", desc = "If checked, the default priority will recommend ...