Here's a preview of the Hunter Gladiator and Elite PvP Sets coming in Dragonflight. Gladiator Set Elite PvP Set What do you think about the sets? Let us know in the comments down below! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Badadada 184 Badadada ...
-- HunterMarksmanship.lua -- October 2022 if UnitClassBase( "player" ) ~= "HUNTER" then return end local addon, ns = ... local Hekili = _G[ addon ] local class, state = Hekili.Class, Hekili.State local spec = Hekili:NewSpecialization( 254, true ) spec:RegisterResource( ...
But the fact that the devs COMPLETELY neglected Survival Hunter in their current condition is nothing short of embarrassing. I’m embarrassed for you all. Yikes. 9 Likes Crypticokami-bleeding-hollow May 6, 2024, 5:37pm 86 What HPal really needs in PvP is a buff to their mana ...
I honestly just want to know if I should continue gearing my Hunter as Survival or instead gear it as BM or MM. 3 Likes Failedwizard-frostmourne (Failedwizard) May 11, 2024, 1:07am 19 Not a Hunter but echoing this as that’s pretty crappy for them, sorry, but it should have be...
Hunter Marksmanship Salvo has been redesigned – Your next Multi-Shot or Volley now also applies Explosive Shot to up to 2 targets hit. 45 second cooldown, does not incur the global cooldown. New Talent: Tactical Reload – Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire cooldown reduced by 10%. ...
Though of course, hopefully the next set I can gather isn't based on the top 3 worst hunter sets in the game. I want gear that looks as great as the Warrior one, not like my hunter decided to put roadkill on his head. The world revamp dream will never die!2021...
HunterSurvival.lua Items.lua MageArcane.lua MageFire.lua MageFrost.lua MonkBrewmaster.lua MonkMistweaver.lua MonkWindwalker.lua PaladinHoly.lua PaladinProtection.lua PaladinRetribution.lua PriestDiscipline.lua PriestHoly.lua PriestShadow.lua RogueAssassination.lua RogueOutlaw.lua RogueSubtlety.lua Shama...
HunterSurvival.lua Items.lua MageArcane.lua MageFire.lua MageFrost.lua MonkBrewmaster.lua MonkMistweaver.lua MonkWindwalker.lua PaladinHoly.lua PaladinProtection.lua PaladinRetribution.lua PriestDiscipline.lua PriestHoly.lua PriestShadow.lua RogueAssassination.lua RogueOutlaw.lua RogueSubtlety.lua S...
HunterSurvival.lua Items.lua MageArcane.lua MageFire.lua MageFrost.lua MonkBrewmaster.lua MonkMistweaver.lua MonkWindwalker.lua PaladinHoly.lua PaladinProtection.lua PaladinRetribution.lua PriestDiscipline.lua PriestHoly.lua PriestShadow.lua RogueAssassination.lua RogueOutlaw.lua RogueSubtlety.lua S...