以下是一些2024年龙年的英文祝福语:"Wishing you and your family a prosperous and healthy Year of the Dragon in 2024!""May the Year of the Dragon 2024 bring you and your loved ones happiness, success, and good health!""As the new Year of the Dragon begins, may all your wishes and ...
Happy Chinese New Year, the Year of the Dragon!中国新年快乐,龙年大吉! As the year of the dragon approaches, I would like to extend my warmest greetings and best wishes for a prosperous and healthy new year. 随着龙年的到来,我想向你们致以最热烈的问候和最美好的祝愿,祝你们新的一年繁荣昌盛...
2024年是龙年,以下是一些英文祝福诗句可以用于祝福新年: 1. "May the year of the Dragon bring you strength, wisdom, and good fortune. Happy New Year!" 2. "In the year of the Dragon, may you soar to new heights and achieve all your dreams. Best wishes for the New Year!" 3. "Wishing...
Happy New Year of the Dragon! 龙年快乐! Good luck in the Year of the Dragon! 龙年吉祥! Good luck and happiness to you! 吉祥如意! A good start in the New Year! 新春大吉! May all your wishes come true! 心想事成! May you be happy and prosperous! 恭喜发财! With best wishes for a ...
MaytheYearoftheDragonin2024bringyousuccessandglory,HappyNewYear!?愿2024年的龙年为您带来成功和荣耀,祝您新年快乐! MayallyourwishescometrueintheYearoftheDragon,HappyNewYear!?愿龙年里,您心想事成,梦想成真,新年快乐! WishingyouaharmoniousfamilyandahappylifeintheYearoftheDragon,HappyNewYear!?祝愿您在龙年里...
May the year of the Loong bring you good fortune and success.愿龙年为你带来好运和成功。May you come into a good fortune!恭喜发财!A happy New Year to you!恭贺新年!Everything goes well!吉祥如意!May all your wishes come true!心想事成!A good start in the New Year!新春大吉!素材...
Happy Loong Year, all wishes come true! 龙年快乐,万事如意! Good luck in the Loong Year, happy and healthy! 龙年吉祥,幸福安康! May the Loong Year bring you good health and vitality! 龙年身体健康,精神焕发! May the Year of the Loong bring you joy, success, and prosperity. Happy Chinese ...
wisdom and promising future. Vietnam is not an exception. Moreover, the Dragon always ranks a little bit higher than the Tiger, since it has been the symbol of royal family for thousands of year because the Emperors believed that Dragon can protect their thrones and families with its fearsome...
龙年行大运- Good luck in the Year of the Dragon 龙凤呈祥 – Wishes of harmony and prosperity, combining the auspiciousness of dragons and phoenixes 龙飞凤舞 / 龙飞凤翔 – Well wishes of energy and vitality just like the soaring of dragons and dancing of phoenixes. ...
Prompt:water color painting by Baishi Qi, Chinese New Year, dragon with wishes, good luck, red ink color, masterpiece, collected by MoMa --ar 16:9 04 印象派龙 AI工具:mid journey Prompt:cubism, impressionism, Chniese New Year, the year of dragon, vivid color, masterpiece, collected by Mo...