Super Dragon Ball HeroesTurles' fate was changed thanks to Fu, who collected him from the point in time where he was supposed to die - just before he was killed by the Spirit Bomb - so that Turles could work for him in Age 780. In anticipation for his revenge against Goku, Turles ...
Movie Debut Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Game Debut Dragon Ball Heroes CharacteristicsRace Android[1] Gender Male Death Date(s) Age 783 Professional StatusOccupation SuperheroRed Ribbon Army Assassin AllegianceRed Ribbon Androids (Red Pharmaceuticals)[1] (Formerly)Dragon Team (support)...
Super Dragon Ball Heroes[] Dark Demon Realm Saga[] Main article: Dark Demon Realm Saga In the game, after three Hell Gates are opened by Dark Towa, Broly takes the opportunity to attempt a second escape from Hell. In his new Super Saiyan 4 Full Power form, he blasts away the Time Bre...
Movie Debut Dragon Ball Super: Broly Game Debut Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 CharacteristicsRace Majin Gender Male Height 244 cm (8'0") Birth Date May 8, Age 774 Professional StatusAllegiance Mastermind's group[9] Personal StatusRelatives Huge Buu (first incarnation)Good Buu (power source...