Super Dragon Ball HeroesTurles' fate was changed thanks to Fu, who collected him from the point in time where he was supposed to die - just before he was killed by the Spirit Bomb - so that Turles could work for him in Age 780. In anticipation for his revenge against Goku, Turles ...
This is a list of both Japanese and American soundtracks from all four Dragon Ball series. Shunsuke Kikuchi score (Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and revised episodes 1-98 of Dragon Ball Z Kai) [Japanese version and numerous international dubs] Peter Berring
— Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan Broly ブロリー Burorī Alias BroliThat Legendary Saiyan[1]Broccoli (by Master Roshi) Debuts Appears in Super Dragon Ball Heroes Manga Debut "Astounding! The Artificial Human Avatars" Anime Debut "Push Forward to the Battlefield! Dragon ...
- Able to mount the dragon when separated through getting hero closer to the dragon, or by pressing the button. - Able to select one of difficulty among EASY, NORMAL, HARD, and VERY HARD. - Weapon power will be increased through acquiring P item. ...
"Gamma No. 2") is a Red Ribbon Army Android created by Dr. Hedo, along with Gamma 1. Despite his original purpose, he was designed by Hedo to appear and act much like a superhero. He serves as one of the misguided antagonists in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. ...
Movie Debut Dragon Ball Super: Broly Game Debut Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 CharacteristicsRace Majin Gender Male Height 244 cm (8'0") Birth Date May 8, Age 774 Professional StatusAllegiance Mastermind's group[9] Personal StatusRelatives Huge Buu (first incarnation)Good Buu (power source...