Movie Debut Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Game Debut Dragon Ball Heroes CharacteristicsRace Android[1] Gender Male Death Date(s) Age 783 Professional StatusOccupation SuperheroRed Ribbon Army Assassin AllegianceRed Ribbon Androids (Red Pharmaceuticals)[1] (Formerly)Dragon Team (support)...
Super Dragon Ball HeroesTurles' fate was changed thanks to Fu, who collected him from the point in time where he was supposed to die - just before he was killed by the Spirit Bomb - so that Turles could work for him in Age 780. In anticipation for his revenge against Goku, Turles ...
Super Dragon Ball Heroes Manga Debut "Astounding! The Artificial Human Avatars" Anime Debut "Push Forward to the Battlefield! Dragon Ball Heroes" Movie Debut Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan Characteristics Race Saiyan (mutant) Gender Male Height 239 cm (7’10”; base form)...
Movie Debut Dragon Ball Super: Broly Game Debut Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 CharacteristicsRace Majin Gender Male Height 244 cm (8'0") Birth Date May 8, Age 774 Professional StatusAllegiance Mastermind's group[9] Personal StatusRelatives Huge Buu (first incarnation)Good Buu (power source...