In Dragon Ball GT, Nappa's skin tone is given a noticeable reddish-pink tan. His mustache has grown slightly thicker and noticeably longer. It is also split into two sections again, but noticeably has peach fuzz in the middle noting he shaved it sometime while he was dead, and it is ...
Catalan dub: Fèlix BenitoValencian dub: Joan MolinaGalician dub: Santiago Pousa BattlesPre-Dragon BallKing Piccolo vs. Master Mutaito, Master Roshi and Master Shen King Piccolo vs. Master Mutaito and Master Roshi (anime only)Dragon BallKing Piccolo (Great Namekian) vs. Goku King Piccolo (...
Along with his good counterpart, Evil Buu is one of the first Majins known to have been created viafission. InDragon Ball Online, it is revealed that Good Buu himself would later use fission to create a female companion namedMiss Buuwhom along Good Buu (who became Mr. Buu), went on to...
119-167), Rafa Torres (Dragon Ball Z ep. 168-194) Catalan dub: Aleix Estadella German dub: Sebastian Schulz Portuguese dub (Brazil): Marcelo Campos Portuguese dub (Portugal): Henrique Feist Italian dub: Simone D'Andrea Filipino dub: Bernie Malejana Hungarian dub: Szokol PéterBattles...
In Dragon Ball Online, Pan ends up becoming an instructor for the Pan Fighting Network after she is forced to subdue a mob of angry customers who hated Mr. Satan's Telecommunicated Satan-style Martial Arts Course after they storm Satan House which results in a big scandal, leading to the ...
In the first half of Dragon Ball Z, Chi-Chi primarily wore a purple dress with an orange cloth tied at the top and a yellow sash. Her hair was styled in a high bun with strands hanging down on the sides. She kept this hairstyle through the Androids Saga but switched to a purple uni...
In Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, according to Dr. Hedo's parents, the Red Ribbon Army warped Gero's mind, suggesting he may have been a decent person at one point. Because of his insanity, Gero’s youngest son and daughter-in-law distanced themselves from him, while also distancing the...
In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Majuub reveals to the Conton City Hero that he looks up to superheroes like Great Saiyaman which presumably influenced him when he created his own superhero alter-ego Papayaman when he took part in the World Martial Arts Tournament during the Super 17 Saga. ...
In Dragon Ball Online, Bardock wears black and golden armor with a tube-like strap around his neck, black pants, black wrist and shin guards over his arm and leg warmers, and black and gold boots. Additionally, while being controlled he wears a mask with the Time Breakers symbol on its ...
Catalan dub: Joan Velilla (DB), Francesc Alborch (DBGT) Tagalog dub: Louie Paraboles Vietnamese dub: Chơn NhơnBattlesDragon BallEmperor Pilaf, Shu, and Mai vs. Goku (Great Ape) (anime only) Emperor Pilaf vs. Red Ribbon Army (Anime only) Emperor Pilaf vs. Red Ribbon Army (Anime...