Catalan dub: Fèlix BenitoValencian dub: Joan MolinaGalician dub: Santiago Pousa BattlesPre-Dragon BallKing Piccolo vs. Master Mutaito, Master Roshi and Master Shen King Piccolo vs. Master Mutaito and Master Roshi (anime only)Dragon BallKing Piccolo (Great Namekian) vs. Goku King Piccolo (...
It has been shown several times for when scolded by Vegeta he shows signs of fear and even in Dragon Ball GT, Nappa (for a short time) becomes nervous and trembles to hear the sound of Vegeta's voice again. In a what-if of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi, Nappa even shows great ...
Along with his good counterpart, Evil Buu is one of the first Majins known to have been created viafission. InDragon Ball Online, it is revealed that Good Buu himself would later use fission to create a female companion namedMiss Buuwhom along Good Buu (who became Mr. Buu), went on to...
119-167), Rafa Torres (Dragon Ball Z ep. 168-194) Catalan dub: Aleix Estadella German dub: Sebastian Schulz Portuguese dub (Brazil): Marcelo Campos Portuguese dub (Portugal): Henrique Feist Italian dub: Simone D'Andrea Filipino dub: Bernie Malejana Hungarian dub: Szokol PéterBattles...
In the first half of Dragon Ball Z, Chi-Chi primarily wore a purple dress with an orange cloth tied at the top and a yellow sash. Her hair was styled in a high bun with strands hanging down on the sides. She kept this hairstyle through the Androids Saga but switched to a purple uni...
Pilaf's selfish desire to rule the Earth (and in the case of the Golden Frieza Saga, get rich) and irresponsible use of the Dragon Balls (in the case of Frieza and the Black Star Dragon Balls) has actually caused the Earth to be destroyed twice (in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’...
Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’Baby Pan sleeping in a carriage Seen as only an infant, Pan is being taken care of by Piccolo at Gohan's House until Videl returns home after shopping with Gohan. Super HeroMain article: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero...
↑2.02.1"Dragon Ball Q&A" section,Dragon Ball Full ColorAndroids Sagavolume 3, 2014 ↑Dragon Ball Zepisode 134, "Goku's Assassin" ↑Daizenshuu 4, 1995 ↑Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2, 2010 ↑Daizenshuu ↑Dragon Ball FighterZ,Android 16: "In his current state. My power radar cannot read Go...
Main article: Dragon Ball Z: KakarotGoku uses the power of the Dragon Balls to bring both Dr. Gero and Android 19 back to life. If the player goes to their location, Goku, seemingly not bearing a grudge against Gero, greets both him and 19 and asks if they are training. Gero, ...
As shown in Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku, he has a very plain view in life. While praised by others as brilliant, Bardock rejects such compliments, believing that he is simply experienced for combat. His loyalty and compassion for his friends and allies was shown so deep ...