For the developer console in Dragon Age II, see Console (Dragon Age II). The developer console, or console for short, is an in-game command line tool that allows you to do things which are not otherwise possible, like creating a character with multiple c
Works flawlessly, including modding it the official way via DAUpdater.exe in: /steamapps/common/Dragon Age Ultimate Edition/bin_ship/ GUI method: Right click DAUpdater.exe - Open with ProtonTricks Launcher - Dragon Age Origins 47810 - find and select your mod files (DAZIP) - select the mod...
右击快捷方式,在目标栏末尾加上空格–enabledeveloperconsole,就像"X:\DragonAge\bin_ship\daorigins.exe"–enabledeveloperconsole。 Toopentheconsole,startthegamefromtheshortcutandpresstheTildebutton~`Note:Theconsoleisinvisible. 要打开控制台,用此快捷方式进游戏,按“~”即可,此控制台隐藏不可见,按回车可关闭。