For the developer console in Dragon Age II, see Console (Dragon Age II). The developer console, or console for short, is an in-game command line tool that allows you to do things which are not otherwise possible, like creating a character with multiple c
télécharger le patch: copier/coller dans .../Steam/Steamapps/Common source des infos pour ce patch: Some specific commands that might help: runscript zz_talk_nearest- Talks to nearest NPC, doesn't apply to party members runscript zz_bdn_debug-Dwarf Noble Originhelper script Others: runscript zz_goto <Tag> [Number]- Teleports the player...
Thetargetlineendshouldlooklikethis:daorigins.exe"–enabledeveloperconsole 如何开启控制台模式: 在X:\DragonAge\bin_ship下找到daorigins.exe,在桌面上建立快捷方式。 右击快捷方式,在目标栏末尾加上空格–enabledeveloperconsole,就像"X:\DragonAge\bin_ship\daorigins.exe"–enabledeveloperconsole。
These Dionysiac stirrings, which, as they grow in intensity, cause subjectivity to vanish to the point of complete self-forgetting, awaken either under the influence of narcotic drink, of which all human beings and peoples who are close to the origin of things speak in their hymns, or at ... Some specific commands that might help: runscript zz_talk_nearest- Talks to nearest NPC, doesn't apply to party members runscript zz_bdn_debug-Dwarf Noble Originhelper script Others: