Sajid A. Khan, Melinda Morris, Kamran Idrees, Mark Gimbel, Shoshana Rosenberg, Zhaoshi Zeng, Fangyong Li, Geliang Gan, Jinru Shia, Michael P. LaQuaglia, Philip B. Paty Distance to the anal verge is associated with pathologic complete response to neoadjuvant therapy in locally advanced rectal...
Dr. Ning Lin is a Neurosurgeon in New York, NY. Find Dr. Lin's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more.
跑出商场后,他看到4层的玻璃已经碎掉,冒出火光,一层的玻璃有被枪打碎的痕迹。门口有人开车离开,有人直接往旁边的绕城高速(大环路)上跑。DRsheyingjiqiaozaixiaoerxiongbuyingxiangpaishezhongdeyingyong-JHWSLWSDKWSVWP-美媒支招美国电动汽车行业"照抄"中国,结果抄错了…。 04月03日, 据悉,受烟花爆竹燃放影响,2...
Borrowing the words of Chinese media scholar, Hu Yong, the majority of people were “onlookers”, happy with their role as observers. However, there are signs of a changing emphasis, from merely worshipping the stars to wanting to become one—or at least the truncated version of fame ...
[17] Wei Chen*, Hao Lin*, Peng-Mian Feng, Chen Ding, Yong-Chun Zuo, Kuo-Chen Chou*. iNuc-PhysChem: A sequence-based predictor for identifying nucleosomes via physicochemical properties. PLoS One: 2012, 7(10), e47843.[18] Hao Lin*, Chen Ding, Qiang Song, Ping Yang, Hui Ding, ...
Yitian Zhao, Yonghuai Liu, Yongjun Wang, Baogang Wei, Jian Yang, Yifan Zhao, Yongtian Wang:Region-based saliency estimation for 3D shape analysis and understanding.Neurocomputing, 197: 1-13, 2016. Jingfan Fan,Jian Yang, Danni Ai, Likun Xia,Yitian Zhao, Yongtian Wang: Convex Hull indexed ...
Peng WeiShanghai Astronomical ObservatoryYong-Heng ZhaoDepartment of AstronomyFu-Chao WuUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaYan-Xia ZhangNanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & TechnologyShi-Yin ShenMing Yang天文和天体物理学研究:英文版A search for double-peaked narrow emission line galaxies ...
Minyi Feng, Peng Chen, Xue Wei, Yingmei Zhang*, Wenya Zhang, Yongmei Qi. Effect of 4-nonylphenol on the sperm dynamic parameters, morphology and fertilization rate of Bufo raddei. African Journal of Biology. 2011, 10(14): 2698-2707. ...
Mr. CHEN Yong (2025 to 2026), Tianjin University Past Visiting Members Mr. GONG Fuzhong (2024 to 2024), Deputy Director, Senior Investigator, Port State Control Officer, and ISM Auditor at Yantian Maritime Safety Administration, Shenzhen