Roy A Poblete, Marcela Arenas, Nerses Sanossian, Young-Kwon Hong, Patrick D Lyden, Stan G Louie, William D Freeman Therapeutic hypothermia for intracerebral hemorrhage: Systematic review and meta-analysis of the experimental and clinical literature. Turner S. Baker, John R. Durbin, Zachary Troian...
Hong Yan, Abhishek Jain, Yuping Cai, Jie Zheng, Xinyi Shen, Engjel Muca, Philip B Paty, Marcus W Bosenberg, Sajid A Khan, Caroline H Johnson, Ronan Talty Radiation-induced gastrointestinal (GI) syndrome as a function of age. Hongyan Li, Herman C Kucharavy, Carla Hajj, Liyang Zhao, Guo...
5. Zheng-Rong Wu, Peng-Chen, Yang-Li, Jian-Ying Li, Xin- Wang, Yong Wang, Ding-Ding Guo, Lei-Cui,Qian-Guo Guan, Hong-Yu Li. Two cinnamoyloctopamine antioxidants from garlic skin attenuates oxidative stress and liver pathology inrats with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis,Phytomedicine. 2014, ...
Ojeda-Ramirez, S., Yong, Z., Zhang, Y., Liu, R., Rantanen, E., Peng, C., & Peppler, K. (2024). Qualitative eliciting of tacit knowledge in machinists. In Learning as a cornerstone of healing, resilience, and community: ICLS Proceedings: 18th Annual Conference of the Learning Scien...
Yan R., Wang S., 2019. Evaluation of the influence of stricter sulphur limits within emission control area on port state control inspection.Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies International Conference Proceedings 2019. Topic 2: Green shipping management ...
EJ Hardy, Chaplain to the Forces in Hong Kong and published in the periodical Tit-Bits in 1896: “the peril is that China will manufacture things cheaper than Europeans can and dismiss us from trade in the Far East” (quoted by Frayling). This could easily come from the lips of any ...
Linli Xu, Linhong Xiao, Pan Jia, Karel Goossens, Peng Liu, Hui Li, Chungui Cheng, Yong Huang, Christopher W. Bielawski, and Jianxin Geng*. Lightweight and Ultrastrong Polymer Foam with Unusually Superior Flame Retardancy.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2017,9, 26392–26399. (IF = 8.758...
Ling Hong Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Chi Prof Salah Akkal University of Mentouri Consatntine, Algeria Prof Ai-Yun Peng Sun Yat-sen University, China Prof.同职位嘉宾推荐 Qi Li Tsinghua University,China Dr AMAL BISWAS Kindai University Dr MAGDY MOHAMED GABER University of...
EJ Hardy, Chaplain to the Forces in Hong Kong and published in the periodical Tit-Bits in 1896: “the peril is that China will manufacture things cheaper than Europeans can and dismiss us from trade in the Far East” (quoted by Frayling). This could easily come from the lips of any ...