“Love Batman? Love psychology? You’ll love this book. Author Travis Langley psychoanalyzes both the troubled superhero and his many enemies, asking questions like why Batman fights crime.”– Sasha Graffagna,SuperheroYou “If you love Batman you will love this book. If you love psychology y...
(1)GROUP DROPS 2026 SMOFCON BID FOR DC.John Pomeranz, Corresponding Secretary of the Baltimore Washington Area Worldcon Association (BWAWA), yesterday announced that in response to the “current political situation” in the U.S. the group is no longer bidding to host the 2026 SMOFcon in W...
kolsana.atKolsana - Ärztehaus, Kolsass, Tirol, Facharzt, Internist, Kinderarzt, Allgemeinarzt, Orthopäde, Urologe, Gynäkologe, Gastroskopie, Coloskopie, Physiotherapie, Psychotherapie, Ergotherapie, Sportwissenschaften, Dr. Margreiter, Dr. Oehm, Dr... Kol...