‘Zatanna’ #2 Preview – The Mistress of Magic Faces a Deadly Curse! ByValentina Kraljik Published onMarch 16, 2025 Read More‘Zatanna’ #2 Preview – The Mistress of Magic Faces a Deadly Curse! ‘Titans’ #21 Preview: Raven in the Clutches of the Psycho-Pirate! ByRobert Milakovic Pu...
DC Database 130,579 pages Explore DC Comics TV and Movies Community in: Gotham County, Dennis O'Neil/Creator, Irv Novick/Creator, and 24 more English Arkham Asylum Sign in to edit Arkham AsylumGallery Official Name The Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane Aliases...
亚历山大征召了心理海盗(Psycho-Pirate),并让他将天蚀(Eclipso)的黑钻(Black Diamond)放进了位于阿克汉姆精神病院(Arkham Asylum)的关简· 洛琳[Jean Loring,曾为雷·帕尔默(Ray Palmer),即原子侠(Atom)妻子,她在身份危机(Identity Crisis)中杀死伸缩人(Elongated Man)拉尔夫·迪布尼(Ralph Dibny)...
The Legion of Super-Heroes is an inter-galactic team of super-powered teenagers and young adults active in the 30th Century and 31st Century. Inspired by the legend of Superboy, they were founded by Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, and Saturn Girl under the fu
史蒂夫·特雷弗(Steve Trevor)是美国DC漫画旗下超级英雄,初次登场于《全明星漫画》(All Star Comics)第8期(1941年12月)。史蒂夫·特雷弗是一名美国空军上校,因为飞机意外坠落到与世隔绝的天堂岛, 从而结识戴安娜·普林斯,他是戴安娜见到的第一个男人,也是她的暧昧对象之一,后成为天眼会局长和美国正义联盟...
宿敌 角人· 阿瑞斯· Blue Snowman· 豹女· Children of Ares· 瑟茜· Cyborgirl· 暗夜天使· Decay· Doctor Cyber· Doctor Poison· Doctor Psycho· Duke of Deception· Egg Fu· Eviless· Genocide· 巨化女· Hades· Hypnota· Mask· Osira· Queen Clea· Queen of Fables· Silver Swan· 维罗...
Barry Allen’s history with the Psycho-Pirate isn’t pleasant. The Flash encountered this mind-bending villain all the way back in the original Crisis on Infinite Earths, and it did not end well for the Scarlet Speedster. For the first time since his death and rebirth, Barry runs afoul of...
后来,瑟西把神奇女侠的敌人集结起来——包括豹女,巨化女,心理医生(Doctor Psycho),这个新帮派要让神奇女侠无所遁形。这个三人组抓住了新神奇女侠——唐娜·特洛伊,连带着把神奇女孩也抓了。至于戴安娜,她乔装为警探戴安娜·普林斯,在警探汤姆的帮助下,一路尾随海格力斯。在她的藏身地,她把海格力斯变成了牛头怪...
Imperiex was initially introduced as an adversary to Superman before becoming a main antagonist for DC Comics' the "Our Worlds at War" crossover. As the physical embodiment of entropy, Imperiex sought to create a new Big Bang, believing the universe to b