Unholy DK Stat Priority Unholy DK Enchants and Gems 7. Unholy Death Knight Viability in The War Within The Unholy Death Knight is 100% viable in The War Within. We have strong burst, good cleave, and great AoE potential, as well as being incredibly tanky! 8. End-Game as an Unholy De...
Frost DK Leveling Guide 5. Basics of Frost Death Knight Gameplay Frost Death Knight is a spec that is all about managing your resources and making the most out of your cooldown windows. To maximize your damage as a Frost Death Knight, you need to be able to position yourself well, espe...
Horde and Alliance welcome. My husband played and raid lead during Cata/MoP, so he has been a big help since I am new to the game. Don’t worry if you are brand new as well, we will all grow together. Though if you are the type of player...
吸收有害法術75%的傷害(最多可吸收相當於DK生命力50%的傷害),持續5秒。面對Raid中各種魔法傷害,這是我們手中最可靠的傷害減免技能。在5.0中,通過反魔法護罩每吸收180點傷害,DK就會獲得1點符能。 反魔法護罩持續期間,還會免疫大部分魔法效果。某些戰鬥中,反魔法護罩的這個特性意義重大。 總之,有效的利用好反魔法...
理论排行,AF SS LR DK 读条流增强萨,贼 都是第一集团,理论木桩的排名非常平滑,第十名是第一名的90%以上,所以完全不用担心自己的职业怎么怎么不强。LR这种远程 瞬发职业,在每个版本的初期都是非常非常强大的存在,要点单有单点,要AOE有AOE。虽然之前的版本到了后期一身BIS装备,近战,火法...
As a DK tank who has been passed up on every 2 hander since Naxx because "dps has priority on weapons" I can confidently say Shadowmourne will only go to a DK tank once every warrior, pally, and dps DK get one. Spoken from personal experience. Seen Worldcarver drop 12 times and still...
It’s not like when DK’s lost blood as a dps spec. In that scenario, playing a tank and a dps are vastly different compared to changing an offensive healer to an actual dps spec. Again, I really don’t think you play Disc at all if you feel this way. Honestly go give it a tr...