Stand in fire, DPS higher.We added WoW Classic to this list when it launched back when rocks were soft, in 2019. Now, having defeated the murderous Lich King in the 2022Wrath of the Lich Kingexpansion, players must face off against the Cataclysm: a great corruptor known as Deathwing, ben...
The trinketsTheralion's MirrorandBell of Enraging Resonancefrom the Phase 1 Best in Slot sim within ~300 DPS (300 out of 44600 DPS, so only about 0.67% dps difference) of the Phase 3 Best in Slot trinkets mentioned here. So do not stress about getting the new trinkets, they are by ...
It was easily the best DPS spec in the game (or, failing that, the best burst specialization). I've seen 13.5k Shadow Bolt criticals in a video. Please don't be rude to someone with remarks like "Did you play a warlock in TBC?" when you yourself are completely wrong. ...
Unique DPS bonuses are unlocked when wearing 2, and 4 pieces from the set: Hunter Survival Season 1 2pc— Wildfire Bomb damage increased by 5%. It is hard to provide any commentary on this. Hunter Survival Season 1 4pc— Mongoose Bite/ Raptor Strike deals 10% increased damage to targets ...