下面的代码和数据源主要来自:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51063842/create-multiple-columns-in-summarize,以计算分位数为例。 > library(dplyr) > library(tidyr) > > Z<-data.frame(x=runif(1000,min=0,max=20))%>% + mutate(y = rnorm(n(), mean = sin(x))) %>% + group_by(x.cat...
df %>%mutate(z = x + y, .keep ="all")# the default#> # A tibble: 1 × 5#> x y a b z#> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl>#> 1 1 2 a b 3df %>%mutate(z = x + y, .keep ="used")#> # A tibble: 1 × 3#> x y z#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>#> 1 1 2 3df...
library(dplyr) library(tidyr) DF %>% mutate(Row = 1:n()) %>% gather(colname, value, -Row) %>% group_by(g = gsub("\\d", "", colname), Row) %>% summarize(sum = sum(value)) %>% ungroup %>% mutate(g = paste("sum", g, sep = "_")) %>% spread(...
I am trying to use R'sdplyrpackage to create multiple new columns for each year in my dataset that is the sum of the columns corresponding to each year's end of quarter figures (Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec). The only way I have been able to figure out how to do this "effici...
group_by(g) %>%reframe(x = intersect(x, table))#> # A tibble: 5 × 2#> g x#> <dbl> <chr>#> 1 1 a#> 2 1 b#> 3 2 f#> 4 2 d#> 5 2 a# You can add multiple columns at once using a single expression by returning# a data frame.quantile_df <-function(x, probs ...
1students3 %>%2gather(class, grade, class1:class5, na.rm = TRUE) %>%3#name未参与gather,因此照原格式输出4spread(test, grade) %>%5#spread:Spread a key-value pair across multiple columns.6mutate(class=parse_number(class)) %>%7#parse_numeric Extract numeric component of variable.8print...