test %>% + group_by(Vila) %>% filter(a5species==”gambiae”) %>% + summarise(n=n()) 使用此代码生成了我想要的表,但下次我尝试运行代码时它停止工作并产生错误: 1 2 Error in group_by_(.data, .dots = lazyeval::lazy_dots(…), add = add) : object ‘Vila’ not found 我意识到这与...
Chapter3 数据筛选--filter函数">## Chapter3 数据筛选--filter函数 filter(tbl/data.fram, condition) and output a data.frame, filter rows/observation ```{r filter in dplyr} # Load dplyr package in a safer way if(!suppressWarnings(require(dplyr))) { install.packages('dplyr') require(dplyr)...
假设你的变量x可以取“a”或“b”的值。现在问这个问题:“is x not equal to a OR is x not ...
filter_string <- "cyl == 6" mtcars %>% filter(filter_string) # Error: Problem with `filter()` input `..1`. # x Input `..1` must be a logical vector, not a character. # Input `..1` is `filter_string`. # Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred. Thi...
假设你的变量x可以取“a”或“b”的值。现在问这个问题:“is x not equal to a OR is x not ...
在R 中使用group_by()和filter() 与具有单独的where和having子句的 SQL 不同,dplyr 的filter()函数适用于未分组和分组的数据。 我们将首先对分组 tibble 中原始数据的值使用filter()。 示例代码: # Create a tibble with groups.t_fil=my_t%>%group_by(Col_one, Col_two)# Remove rows where Col_one...
熟悉R的朋友都会知道, dplyr包是对原始的数据集进行清洗、整理以及变换的有力武器之一。但是其使用会...
not_cancelled%>%group_by(year,month,day)%>%mutate(r=min_rank(desc(dep_time)))%>%filter(r%in%range(r))#> # A tibble: 770 x 20#> # Groups: year, month, day [365]#> year month day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time#> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <...
filter(x, TRUE, TRUE)now just returnsx(#1210), it doesn't internally modify the first argument (#971), and it now works with rowwise data (#1099). It once again works with data tables (#906). glimpse()also prints out the number of variables in addition to the number of observation...