pomatti@NT-03024:/tmp$ sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.debdpkg-deb: error: 'packages-microsoft-prod.deb' isnota Debian format archivedpkg:error processing archive packages-microsoft-prod.deb (--install): dpkg-deb --control subprocess returned error exit status2Errorswere encountered while ...
as opposedto the authorof the software that was packaged. Description: short-description long-description The formatfor thepackage descriptionis a short brief summaryon the firstline (after the"Description" field). The following lines should be used as a longer, more detailed description...
In most cases, you would probably not be using the dpkg package for package management since its a low level command and provides only basic functionality of installing or removing .deb packages. It does not manage repositories and does not find and install dependencies for the main package to ...
一个是Window XP,一个是Ubuntu 12.04。其实就是安装的双系统,因为自己工作是做.net开发,所以有时...
Bug description I recently installed quarto (using the most recent official deb) from commandline on debian 11 using dpkg -i <downloaded deb>. I just discovered that apt on this system was stuck with the following error, rendering my sys...
Using “-s” option with the package name will display whether a deb package is installed or not. dpkg -s 2048-qt Check Deb Package Installation 6. List Files Installed by Deb Package To list the location of all the files installed by a particular package use the-Loption as shown. ...
的解决办法 MySQL: mysql is not running but lock exists ssh能够连接而sftp不能连接的解决方法 Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock 编译安装Python 3 使用Nginx进行TCP/UDP端口转发 nginx禁止访问某个后缀名的文件 通过web.config设置默认首页 通过web.config文件配置项目中文件夹的访问权限 Win2003在系统...
-s Simulate actions, but do not actually perform them. -d Only download packages, do not install or remove anything. -P Always prompt for confirmation of actions. -y Assume that the answer to simple yes/no questions is 'yes'. -F format Specify a format for displaying search results; see...
It is responsible for installing, removing, and providing information about .deb packages, the format used by Debian packages. The DPKG Ecosystem DPKG does not operate in isolation; it is part of a larger ecosystem of tools designed to make package management more manageable and automated. ...
用法:dpkg[<选项>...]<命令>命令:-i|--install<.deb 文件名>...|-R|--recursive<目录>...--unpack<.deb 文件名>...|-R|--recursive<目录>...-A|--record-avail<.deb 文件名>...|-R|--recursive<目录>...--configure<软件包名>...|-a|--pending--triggers-only<软件包名>...|-a|-...