$ dpkg-query -L<package_name> Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 会告诉你的。 $command-v program Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 会告诉您程序的完整/绝对路径。 如果您无法通过这种方式找到它,请尝试: find/sbin modprobefind/usr/sbin modprobe Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgro...
命令是sudo dpkg -x 安装包名 目的路径 目的路径一般是 / 即根目录,这样安装的结果就是上面所说的默认情况。 如果使用apt-get命理时有类似的提示:libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found 那是因为下载的版本太新,电脑上的动态库不支持。可以选择旧一点的版本,重复安装即可。 希望完成以上步骤,就...
根据安装向导创建了一个新账户。只后用新账户登录,安装nginxapt-getinstallnginx提示:Couldnotopenlockfile/var/lib/dpkg/lock-open(13:permissiondenied) Unabletolocktheadministrationdirectory(/var/lib/dpkg),areyouroot?既然提示没权限,我就用sudoapt-getinstallnginx,但是就出现了sudo:commandnotfound然后呢,然后我...
dpkg -l | grep sudo 如果输出中包含sudo相关的包(如sudo或libsudo-perl等),则说明sudo已安装。 如果sudo未安装,提供安装sudo的步骤: 如果确认sudo未安装,并且你有root权限,可以通过以下命令安装sudo: bash apt update apt install sudo 安装完成后,可能还需要将当前用户添加到sudo组中(如果以root用户执行,则...
Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg), are you root? 既然提示没权限,我就用sudo apt-get install nginx,但是就出现了sudo: command not found 然后呢,然后我就不知道怎么办了。。。 网络安装的镜像安完的debian是什么都没有的,包括gcc和sudo。
[patchutils] - dpkg-depcheck, dpkg-genbuilddeps: Runs a specified command (such as debian/rules build) or dpkg-buildpackage, respectively, to determine the packages used during the build process. This information can be helpful when trying to determine the packages needed in the Build-Depends ...
apt-get update && apt-get install meson dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH prints bash: dpkg-architecture: command not found Expected behavior $ dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH x86_64-linux-gnu Suggested fix Add dpkg-dev to Recommends: header of meson's debian packge.Member...
With a quick dpkg command and knowledge of Linux directory organization, it’s easy to figure out where apt installed your brand-new program. This process is especially useful when the name of a program doesn’t match the package name. You can also use theApt Search Command to search for ...
It will install the software-properties-common, including the apt-add-repository command to your Debian 11 system. Use the command below to confirm it: $ dpkg --listfiles software-properties-common | grep apt-add-repository In the following output, you can see that the apt-add-repository is...