首先在PubMed中搜索到该文献,如下图。 很多人,找到文献,仅仅将文献下载下来就OK了,其实还有很多有用的信息,比如文章的supplementary,还有如上图右边的标记部分,Nucleotide,protein都是一些很重要的信息。点击右边的Nucleotide,进入如下页面,看,文中涉及到的六个质粒序列全都有,点击进入,按照方法二中,NCBI下载质粒图谱的...
NCBI Database Builder A tool that allows you to create Blast databases from your own Fasta files. Freeware Other tools DNA Baser console This is a the command line version of DNA Sequence Assembler. Now you can harness the power and accuracy of DNA Baser at a new level by performing ...
NCBI SRA: can search sequencing data from individual participant ArrayExpress: Experiments are submitted directly to ArrayExpress or are imported from the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus database. For high-throughput sequencing based experiments the raw data is brokered to the European Nucleotide Archive, ...
Nucleotide blast We will use only blastn Tick if you want to align only two seq We will use only blastn Paste your sequence as fasta only. Or paste AC Or upload your file if it is too big Select which organism you want to search its database Default non-redundant nucleotide seq Tick ...
Different kinds of data Protein Structure –PDBPDB Expression Data –NCBI GeoNCBI Geo Epitopes –IEDBIEDB PDB IEDB Immune Epitope Database: UniProt UniProt database Data redundancy! Databases have non-biological redundancy This is problematic when training data- driven prediction methods –As you saw...
AA seriesA ofA programsA designedA forA accurateA andA highA speedA alignmentA ofA shortA readsA toA referenceA genomes.A NovelA featuresA includeA theA useA ofA baseA qualitiesA inA theA readsA andA ambiguousA nucleotideA codesA inA theA referenceA sequencesA forA alignment. KeyA features...
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从 NCBI 数据库下载了 9 个环状芽孢杆菌 的基因组,利用系统发育分析软件,泛基因组分析软件和次级代谢产物挖掘软件对其进行了分析.9 株菌的基因组大小在 5.01-9.63 Mb 之间,在进化树上被归为了两个分支.通过泛基因组和核心基因组分析,发现其泛基因组含有 9 572 个基因家族,核心基因组 由 3 622 个基因家族...
[15] TP53 database http://www.umd.be:2072/ [45] 92 生物技术通报 Biotechnology Bulletin 2015,Vol.31,No.11 包括了临床和人口数据,基因表达数据,CNA 数据, 表观数据等,而需要授权的数据主要是一些个人特 有数据,如原始的测序数据,单核苷酸多态性(Si- ngle nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)数据以及 VCF 文 ...
单核苷酸多态性(single-nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)占人类可遗传变异的90%以上,是目前诠释疾 病遗传易感性有效的遗传标记,可用于疾病风险预测 [3].近年来,已广泛开展了全基因组和候选基因关联 研究,以探索 SNP对人类肝病的影响[4-5],如TRPM5 基因rs886277位点及AZIN1 基因rs2679757位点[6-7] 多态性与乙肝肝...