Back in 2002, Battlefield 1942 needed a high spec PC and fast internet for the time. That's not the case any more, meaning almost anyone can enjoy this great 32 vs 32 player first person shooter. Set on a variety of now classic maps in World War II, Battlefield 1942 looks its age,...
Battlefield 1942 strives to give players an action-oriented first-person perspective on the wide variety of infantry regiments, advanced vehicles, strategic maneuvers, and violent battles that came together to turn the tide in World War II. The game is designed to represent nearly every major fac...
Battlefield 1942 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. The gameplay of Battlefield 1942 generally has a more co-operative focus than previous games of this nature, as it is ...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":6026694,"subject":"Battlefield 1942 download","id":"message:6026694","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":0,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:-1"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:battlefield-franchise-discussion-en"},"...
In 1999, Softmax Co., Ltd., Digital Age publishes The War of Genesis III on Windows. This role-playing (rpg) and strategy game is now abandonware and is set in a fantasy and turn-based themes.
Improve gameplay, teamwork, and historical accuracy with this mod for Battlefield 1942. This is the BattleGroup 42 mod for Battlefield 1942. This release concentrates on the BF1942 maps up until Kursk in 1943 and adds the correct vehicles to each map. For the Germans these include the ...
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