$160元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 破解說明: 請使用\Battlefield_1942_Keygen-FLTDOX目錄下的keygen.exe序號產生器產生序號 0901-1857213-3752137-0410 軟體簡介: 《戰地風雲1942》(Battlefield 1942)是一款專為團隊模式而設計...
Gamespy is permanently off-line;TPU now uses the master.bf1942.org master browser.The BF2 server has moved to the PR/FH2 master browser. TPU is no longer running Battlegroup 1942 maps on Sundays and Mondays. The JDRG BF2 server is once again running Forgotten Hope 2. ...
1942 battlefield BF42 b42 battlefld 1942 1918 bf1918 1.1 1.1 patch 1.2 1.2 crack 1.2 no cd 1.2 patch 1.3 1.3 crack 1.3 patch 1.31 1.31 patch 1.4 1.4 patch admin beta blood blood patch bloodpatch blutpatch bots buy cd key changer cd key generator cd keys cdkey cheat codes cheats clan ...
Battlefield 1942 is a singleplayer and multiplayer first-person action, FPS and shooter game in the Battlefield series. General information Official Website The Battlefield series on Battlelog - PC section. EA Answers HQ Availability • Link SourceDRMNotesKeysOS Retail SafeDisc v2 DRM[Note ...
and yes ea will not make a no cd patch for bf1942 they drop support over 2 years ago hell they not even keep the master server up ;( if ax server not made the new master server for BF1942 it be dead now ☹️ AX saved bf1942 http://forum.bf1942.sk/vie...
《Theme (From "Battlefield 1942")》是《战地1942》游戏的主题音乐,由霍埃尔·埃里克松(Joel Eriksson)作曲,London Music Works创作并演奏。作为《战地》系列的开山之作配乐,它以磅礴的战争军乐风格奠定了系列基调,通过铜管乐与弦乐的融合营造出史诗般的战场氛围。该曲目不仅是玩家沉浸式体验的核心元素,更成为战地系列...
Hello,Currently I am in the process of trying to install and play the Deluxe Edition of Battlefield 1942. However, after installing, the game won't even... - 6127128
还记得《战地1942》吗?这是他的后继者《Battlefield 2》.《Battlefield 2》作为《Battlefield 1942》继任者将提供更逼真的可“摧毁”场景以及细节表现。 分享56赞 战地5吧 看有个女孩 战地5是我买过最后悔的游戏19年看太平洋宣传片入的,续作还没出就借口停止更新丢下烂摊子。 最忍受不了的是外挂泛滥。形同虚...
Battlefield 1942 1.61b (CD) or 1.62 (Origin) Forgotten Hope 0.7 Forgotten Hope Fan Mappack 6 Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon 0.552 Gamespy shutdown? As you've probably heard Gamespy shut down the online support for BF1942 which means either your game locks up or it doesn't show any servers...
Gunna dig out the BFV CD's and reinstall, hell maybe Ill even reinstall BF1942 + Expansions battlefield vietnam is great since i cant play BF2 on my current PC setup >_< iam playing alot of BFV found a funny bug your killcounter bugs once it hit 256 o_O best todate in BFV was...