DUSTAN, D.I., LASHTA, D.P., KIKCIO, S.I., et al. Factors affecting reccurrent shoot multiplication in vitro cultures of 17 to 20 years-old douglas fir trees. In vitro Cell Development Biology, Columbia, v.28, p.33-38, 1992....
While researching the Kimbell’s Harihara, we noticed that The Metropolitan Museum of Art purchaseda similar Harihara, also linked to Prasat Andet, in 1977. We’ve asked the Met for the provenance of the statue, as none is listed on their website. The Met also has several pieces from L...
A chapter on her work, Wuthnow, et al. 1984—although written too early to capture her full development—reviewed important early works and identified key themes that also continued in her later work. The two-volume anthology 6 and Mars 2008 collects papers by researchers who have used her ...
Study Section Drug Abuse Clinical and Behavioral Research Review Committee (DACB) Project Start 1991-07-01 Project End 1996-06-30 Budget Start 1991-07-01 Budget End 1992-06-30 Support Year 1 Fiscal Year 1991 Total Cost Indirect Cost
In area one, the douglas fir was the dominant one in the area , then following that was the bay . This only shows only two species allocating in the area that siphons resources. If one declines, the other dominants , this does not show as much diversity in that aspect. In area 2,...
Market clearing is achieved via the queue length (buyer/seller ratio) associated to every market. Guerrieri et al. (2010) then also find that, under a different but related refinement, a unique competitive search equilibrium always exist and is fully separating....
5299763Aircraft cabin air conditioning system with improved fresh air supply1994-04-05Bescoby et al.244/118.5 5145124Fluid conditioning system and apparatus1992-09-08Brunskill et al.244/118.5 4706908Lightweight auxiliary power and forced air supply unit1987-11-17Huffman et al.244/118.5 ...
The first instance of Broodthaers’ exhibition in Antwerp included a continuous playing of the artist’s tape-recorded reading of the poem. In Cologne for its second instance, Broodthaers renamed itExposition littéraire et musicale autour de Mallarmé. Broodthaers was simply taking Mallarmé’s musica...
Leopold et al.’s (1969) Environmental Impact of the Big Cypress Swamp Jetport was the first environmental impact statement (EIS) conducted in the U.S., and became federally mandated under Section 102 in Title I of the 1969 National Environmental Policy Act, signed into law on January 1, ...
Amicus Curiae Headwaters, et al., opposition: Headwaters opposes Douglas County's motion on the grounds that: (1) an EIS is not required for actions that do not change the physical environment, and (2) an EIS would not promote the environmental purposes of ESA or NEPA. Headwaters' second ...