One important application is to labor markets (see Rogerson et al. (2005) for a survey of this large literature), another is to study money (originated by Kiyotaki and Wright (1989)), and a more recent one is to study Over-the-Counter (OTC) markets (see Hugonnier et al. (2025) ...
4653833Retractable booster cable device1987-03-31Czubernat et al. 4623063Fibreboard container for coil material1986-11-18Balkin206/408 4557430Power cord storage and dispenser1985-12-10Bonhard242/96 4467979Cord reel1984-08-28Koehler 4466581Cable holder1984-08-21Hill242/100.1 ...
(1986). The experience of leisure in adolescence. Journal of Leisure Research, 18, 169-176. Retrieved from http://, D., Larson, R., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1986). The experience of leisure in adolescence. Journal of...
A chapter on her work, Wuthnow, et al. 1984—although written too early to capture her full development—reviewed important early works and identified key themes that also continued in her later work. The two-volume anthology 6 and Mars 2008 collects papers by researchers who have used her ...
4627585Pusher type auto-plane1986-12-09Einstein244/49 2731221Aircraft door installation1956-01-17Holton 2670910Aircraft1954-03-02Hill et al.244/49 2368702Streamlined hinge line for aircraft1945-02-06Bourne244/130 2166564Airplane having folding wings1939-07-18Atwood et al.244/49 ...
The first instance of Broodthaers’ exhibition in Antwerp included a continuous playing of the artist’s tape-recorded reading of the poem. In Cologne for its second instance, Broodthaers renamed itExposition littéraire et musicale autour de Mallarmé. Broodthaers was simply taking Mallarmé’s musica...
Owston,P. W. et al.Fiels performance of Douglas-fir seedlings after treatment with fungicides.Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 1986Owston P. W., Thies W. G., Fender W. 1986. Field performance of Douglas - fir seedlings after treatment with fungicides. Can. J. For. Res. 16: 1369-...
Having been in from the beginning, The Incredible Slidemakers pioneered the visual effects that would later be copied first by other slide-show makers, then the video industry, and finally in digital media; in fact, a good number of the effects in Adobe Photoshop et al trace their roots to...
, 1966). It is not known if Douglas-fir beetles simply sequester host limonene in their hindguts during larval and maturation feeding or if they synthesize it de novo (Rudinsky et al., 1977). As some form of the host monoterpene α -pinene is sequestered by pupae of the southern pine ...
Every, A.L.; Selwood, L.; Castano-Rodriguez, N.; Lu, W.; Windsor, H.M.; Wee, J.L.; Swierczak, A.; Marshall, B.J.; Kaakoush, N.O.; Mitchell, H.M.; et al. Did Transmission of Helicobacter Pylori from Humans Cause a Disease Outbreak in a Colony of Stripe-Faced Dunnarts...