In this post, we will see how to reverse a doubly linked list using iteration and recursion. Practice this problem 1. Iterative Solution The idea is simple – Traverse the list and swapnextandprevpointers for each node. Finally, updateheadpointer to point to the last node. Following is the...
Reverse { public static void main(String[] args) { Node head = new Node(10); Node temp1 = new Node(20); Node temp2 = new Node(30); = temp1; temp1.prev = head; = temp2; temp2.prev = temp1; printList(head); head = reverseList(head); printList(head)...
Print_linked_list_in_reverse_order.cpp Put_Even_Position_at_The_end_of_odd_position_node.cpp Remove_Cycle_In_Linked_List.cpp Reverse_a_linked_list.cpp Reverse_a_linked_list_using_recursive.cpp Reverse_doubly_linked_list.cpp Reverse_k_node.cpp Searching_In_Doubly_Linked_List.cpp...
与Leetcode上翻转链表(206. Reverse Linked List)思路一致,只不过多了一个“prev”前节点的处理,这种题通过画图比较容易验证。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16DoublyLinkedListNode* reverse(DoublyLinkedListNode*head) {if(!head|| !head->next)returnhead; DoublyLinkedListNode* prev = nu...
* }*/staticDoublyLinkedListNode reverse(DoublyLinkedListNode head) { DoublyLinkedListNode current=head; DoublyLinkedListNode temp=null;//swap next and prev of all nodes of double linkedlistwhile(current!=null){ temp=current.prev;; ...
Introduction to Doubly linked list in C Doubly Linked List (DLL) is a complex data structure and an advanced version of a simple linked list in which the node has a pointer to the next node only. As we can traverse the elements in only one direction, reverse traversing is not possible....
voidTraverseInReverse(Node *x) { intcnt=1; if(x) { while(x->next)/*Go to the end*/ { x = x->next; cnt++; } while(x) { printf("%d: %dn", cnt--, x->data); x = x->prev; } } } intmenu(void) { intchoice; ...
It leaves current pointing to the last item in the list rather than NULL. Most doubly linked lists tend to have both a head and a tail and you would use the latter for a reverse scan. If you don't have a tail, that second code snippet may seem like an acceptable way to find the...
flNULL); last=ptr; ptr=ptr-fl; } printf(“\n reverse list”); ptr=last; while(ptr!=Null) { printf(“%d ”,ptr data); ptr=ptr bl; } } void insertion() { int ele; char ch; ptr=root; cur=(node *) malloc*(sizeof(nodes)); printf(“enter data for node” ); scanf(“%d”...