A linked list can be reversed either iteratively or recursively. Could you implement both? 解法一:(C++) 利用迭代的方法依次将链表元素放在新链表的最前端实现链表的倒置 1classSolution {2public:3ListNode* reverseList(ListNode*head) {4ListNode* newhead=NULL;5while(head){6ListNode* t=head->next;7h...
(1)先将指针head移动到开始逆置的节点modify_list_tail(2) 按照之前#206 Reverse Linked List的做法,将[m,n]这一段逆置(3)将被逆置的一段和逆置段前驱,逆置段后继连接起来(4)考虑特殊情况:m=1? 如果是从第一个节点开始逆置,那么最后就不需要连接pre_head了(...
206. 反转链表 206. Reverse Linked List 题目描述 反转一个单链表。 每日一算法2019/5/19Day 16LeetCode206. Reverse Linked List 示例: 输入: 1->2->3->4->5->NULL 输出: 5->4->3->2->1->NULL 进阶: 你可以迭代或递归地反转链...Leet...
1、迭代实现 C++ 反转链表(Reverse Linked List)C++迭代实现 /** * @author:leacoder * @des: 迭代实现 反转链表 */class Solution{public:ListNode*reverseList(ListNode*head){ListNode*cur=head;//当前指针节点ListNode*prev=NULL;//前指针节点ListNode*temp=NULL;//临时节点while(NULL!=cur){temp=cur->nex...
35. 翻转链表(reverse-linked-list)(c++)---lintcode面试题之链表 (一)题目要求: 翻转一个链表 (二)示例: 给出一个链表1->2->3->null,这个翻转后的链表为3->2->1->null (三)题解: 方法一: 方法二:...Leetcode151. Reverse Words in a String(C++原地翻转) 原题Given an input string, rev...
Another useful function for our linked list data structure isprintNodes, which is used to output data from every node to thecoutstream. The latter one will help us loosely verify the correctness of the reversal function. Note thatprintNodeskeeps the count of nodes during the list traversal and...
Reverse Linked List/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * struct ListNode { * int val; * ListNode *next; * ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {} * }; */class Solution {public: ListNode* reverseList(ListNode* head) {
Breadcrumbs Programming-In-C /Linked List / Reverse_doubly_linked_list.cppTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 101 lines (90 loc) · 1.71 KB Raw #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class node { public: int data; node* next; node* prev; node(int value) { data = valu...
0092-Reverse-Linked-List-II/cpp-0092 CMakeLists.txt main.cpp 0094-Binary-Tree-Inorder-Traversal 0102-Binary-Tree-Level-Order-Traversal 0144-Binary-Tree-Preorder-Traversal 0145-Binary-Tree-Postorder-Traversal 0150-Evaluate-Reverse-Polish-Notation 0167-Two-Sum-II-Input-array-is-sorted 0203-Remove-...
reverse-linked-list-ii DaiMorph关注IP属地: 加州 2019.04.19 19:40:47字数165阅读287 对于reverse部分有点迷糊。网上看到的解释,也许更能帮助理解.https://yq.aliyun.com/articles/3867 不妨拿出四本书,摞成一摞(自上而下为 A B C D),要让这四本书的位置完全颠倒过来(即自上而下为 D C B A): ...