Double-quoted include "FlutterAppDelegate.h" in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead Flutter Doctor output Doctor output [✓] Flutter (Channel master, 3.16.0-11.0.pre.83, on macOS 13.5 22G74 darwin-arm64, locale en-US)• Flutter version 3.16.0-11.0.pre.83 on channel master...
Description When using Firebase iOS SDK with SPM Xcode emits multiple warnings of improper header definitions: Double-quoted include "FIRAnalytics+AppDelegate.h" in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead Double-quoted include...
在build setting中找到Quoted Include In Framework Header选择Yes(Error)。
Xcode14 pod导入SVProgressHUD,编译报错 报错信息:double-quoted include "SVRadialGradientLayer.h" in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead 报错文件里面 #import "SVRadialGradientLayer.h" 修改为 #import <SVProgressHUD/SVRadialGradientLayer.h>...
'Double-quoted include in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead'If I go to the various source files and say change: Code Block #import "Place.h"to Code Block #import <VegasKit/Place.h>then I get an error saying it can't find the file. If I try this: Code Block #import...
xcode中如何抑制告警 Double-quoted include in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead 使用os_unfair_lock 替换掉 OSSpinLock #import<os/lock.h>@interfaceClassName(){os_unfair_lock _spinLock;}_spinLock=OS_UNFAIR_LOCK_INIT;os_unfair_lock_lock(&_spinLock);os_unfair_lock_unlock(&_spinLock)...
Opening it in XCode, the builds fails with several errors of this sort : double-quoted include *** in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead. I'm under Unity 2022.2, XR Foundation and AR Kit plugins up to date (5.0) and XCode Version 14.3 (14E222b). I have already crawled...
Specifying QUOTED=NO does not suppress * * automatic encapsulation that happens * * when * * 1. A field is all blank and include * * leading and trailing options are * * selected. * * 2. A field value includes a designated * * quote value. * * 3. A field value includes a delimi...
aWe are so sorry that double twin rooms we booked in Wuzhou Hotel only include one breakfast , as the price they quoted is corporate rate. Please find enclosed file for your reference. Thanks. 我们很抱歉我们在Wuzhou旅馆里预定他们引述的双双胞胎房间只包括一顿早餐,因为价格是公司率。 附上文件...
aThe Contractor shall protect and maintain the completed crushed-stone layer at his own expense until the next layer or the seal or surfacing is applied. Maintenance shall include the immediate repair of any damage to or defects in the layer and shall be repeated as often as is necessary. Rep...