在build setting中找到Quoted Include In Framework Header选择Yes(Error)。
Double-quoted include "FlutterAppDelegate.h" in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead Flutter Doctor output Doctor output [✓] Flutter (Channel master, 3.16.0-11.0.pre.83, on macOS 13.5 22G74 darwin-arm64, locale en-US)• Flutter version 3.16.0-11.0.pre.83 on channel master...
Xcode14 pod导入SVProgressHUD,编译报错 报错信息:double-quoted include "SVRadialGradientLayer.h" in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead 报错文件里面 #import "SVRadialGradientLayer.h" 修改为 #import <SVProgressHUD/SVRadialGradientLayer.h>...
FlutterBinaryMessenger.h:10:10: warning: double-quoted include "FlutterMacros.h" in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead [-Wquoted-include-in-framework-header] #include "FlutterMacros.h" ^~~~ <Flutter/FlutterMacros.h> FlutterPlugin.h:12:10: warning: double-quoted include "FlutterC...
'Double-quoted include in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead'If I go to the various source files and say change: Code Block #import "Place.h"to Code Block #import <VegasKit/Place.h>then I get an error saying it can't find the file. If I try this: Code Block #import...
xcode中如何抑制告警 Double-quoted include in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead 使用os_unfair_lock 替换掉 OSSpinLock #import<os/lock.h>@interfaceClassName(){os_unfair_lock _spinLock;}_spinLock=OS_UNFAIR_LOCK_INIT;os_unfair_lock_lock(&_spinLock);os_unfair_lock_unlock(&_spinLock)...
When I build in Unity there is no bug. Opening it in XCode, the builds fails with several errors of this sort : double-quoted include *** in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead. I'm under Unity 2022.2, XR Foundation and AR Kit plugins up to date (5.0) and XCode ...
Add Username and Password Json File in C# Add XElement to XDocument Adding "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES" permission to file Adding "mshtml.dll" as a Reference from ".NET" tab VS "COM" tab Adding a "Message-Id" header to an email created using C# Adding a child node to an XML file usin...
Between Date to include Null values Between Vs Greater Than & Less Than Big Float? black diamond with question mark boolean aggregate function Building a field name by concatenating strings for SELECT statement Building where clause dynamically in stored procedure Bulk Import from files with differen...
prefix: '''#include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/extensions/sync.h>''') cdata.set('HAVE_XSYNC', 1) endif if cc.has_function('XGetEventData', dependencies: x11_dep) cdata.set('HAVE_XGENERICEVENTS', 1) endif if not xi_dep.found() or not cc.has_header('X11/extensions/XIn...