MATLAB Online에서 열기 When use a plot with a y-axis on the left and a y-axis on the right, I can't figure out how to change the exponent of one y-axis. For example, when using the following code: x = [1 2 3]; ...
MATLAB Online で開く I have the following code. The end goal of this is to be able to set the overall rotation/placement matrix equal to a numberical matrix. I want to solve for the angles in the overall matrix and get an answer in degrees....
however i keep reciveing the error message "The following error occurred converting from sym to double: Unable to convert expression into double array. Error in untitled (line 31)A(n)=q.(A(n)+A(n+4))/(a-n^2);" Im not sure how to solve thi...
xlabel('X-axis') ylabel('Y-axis') legend('Conventional', 'Built-in')for i = 1:( ((max-min)/h) + 1 ) plot([x(1,i) x(1,i)],[0 y(1,i)]); endarea2 = int(1./(1+x.^2),min,max);compare = (area/area1)*100;fprintf('\nThe calculated area by using integr...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 So I'm supposed to describe a function and I'm getting it all wrong. Can anyone see the problem? function file. functiony=Games(x,theta) t=theta*pi/180; v0=10; y0=1.85; g=9.81; a=g/(2*v0^2*cos(t)^2); ...
只需要在axis对话框中设置y轴及其标签的显示位置即可(双击轴打开对话框)。下面给出一例: 展开回答 追问: 这样太麻烦了,我希望在画的时候就可以直接确定谁放左边、谁放右边,,我知道8.0版本的,你画图的时候,控制选择Y列的先后的不同可以达到目的,但是我想看看其他方法。 追答:不知道你的具体情况,不好回答。
P_D(i,2)=data.Close(i); P_D(i,3)=Premium; When I run the code it is saying: The following error occurred converting from datetime to double: Undefined function 'double' for input arguments of type 'datetime'. To convert from datetimes to numeric, first subtract off a ...
Hi guys, im trying to write a file which contains text that i already defined in Matlab. I have 2 problems here. First is my numbering inside the file is not match with numbring of my file's name. You can see the picture below: Here is my code : 테마복사 clear; clc; H...
function graf(x,y) to テーマコピー function graf( obj, x,y) %#ok<INUSL> Think of graf as a method rather than a function. There are several similar mistakes in your code. See http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/object-oriented-programming.html 0 件のコメント サインイ...