MATLAB Online에서 열기 When use a plot with a y-axis on the left and a y-axis on the right, I can't figure out how to change the exponent of one y-axis. For example, when using the following code: x = [1 2 3]; ...
ax.XRuler.Axle.Visible ='off'; ax.YRuler.Axle.Visible ='off'; z = sin(3*x).*exp(0.5*x); yyaxisright plot(x,z) ylim([-150 150]) ax = gca; pause(1e-6) set(gca,'XColor','k','YColor','k','Color','w',... 'TickLength',[0.01,...
MATLAB Answers How To Create a Space Between Edge of a Plot and The Y-axis LineTick? 2 답변 How to read two files simultaneously? 1 답변 for plot using 'yyaxis left' and 'yyaxis right' how to add separate legends for the two y ...
Plot the coordinates by using the plot function. Set the x-axis and y-axis to be equal length. Get fanimator(@(t) plot(x_1(t),y_1(t),'ro','MarkerSize',m_1*10,'MarkerFaceColor','r')); axis equal; Next, add the animation objects of the first rigid rod, the second ...
would like to plot using double axis (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved March 5, 2025. MATLAB Release Compatibility Created with R2007a Compatible with any release Platform Compatibility ...
matlab导出double timeseries,在实际的使用过程中不同场景常常需要不同的图片格式。如果直接在图窗中导出当然可以,但一个一个的导出有些麻烦,最方便的还是写成代码。对于2020a及以后的版本,请使用exportgraphics函数。太强大了!对于之前的版本,只能使用saveas和print
I had a brief introduction to Matlab last year but nothing too extensive., I have imported both the time and the energy expenditure into my workspace (the two things I need to plot against each other with time on the x-axis and the energy expenditur...
Changing X-Axis to Hours 1 回答 How to create a matrix with several days using eval fuction? 1 回答 do not display first value on the x axis 1 回答 カテゴリ MATLABGraphicsFormatting and AnnotationLabels and AnnotationsAxis Labels Help CenterおよびFile ExchangeでAxis Labelsについてさらに検...
Help with a double plotI would use xlim, if you only want to change the limits of the x axis. plotyy creates two axis, so you need to change the limits for both of them.Thanks
只需要在axis对话框中设置y轴及其标签的显示位置即可(双击轴打开对话框)。下面给出一例: 展开回答 追问: 这样太麻烦了,我希望在画的时候就可以直接确定谁放左边、谁放右边,,我知道8.0版本的,你画图的时候,控制选择Y列的先后的不同可以达到目的,但是我想看看其他方法。 追答:不知道你的具体情况,不好回答。