Mainstreaming sustainable development into a city's Master plan: A case of Urban Underground Space use. Land Use Policy 2009, 26, 1128–1137. [CrossRef] 2. Sterling, R.; Nelson, P. City resiliency and underground space use. In Advances in Underground Space Development; ACUUS: Singapore, ...
As a result, in November 2017, COP23 was held in Germany, when strategies to reach the goals of the global action plan to combat global warming were discussed, aiming at efforts to limit the Earth's temperature increase to below 2 ◦C. Anthropogenically generated CO2 is considered to be ...
The position of the relevant steel frame is shown on a floor plan of the structure, Figure 16b. The structure consists of five main steel frames at a distance of 6 m that are connected by longitudinal beams. The moment-resistant steel structure is considered as business buildings and designed...
5. Co5n.cCluonsicolunssions VarioVuasricoaussecsaosefstowfotwaodjaadcjeancetnbtubiuldildininggsswwiitthh difffeerreennttnnuummbebresrosfoflfofloorsoarnsdaneqdueaql uoraluonerquunael qual foundfoautinodnalteiovnelsleuvneldseruenadretrhqeuaratkhequloaakdeinlogawdienrge twesetreedtwesittehd awn...
5. 5.UpUonpocnomcopmleptlieotnioonfopfrporcoecsessinsigngfofroralallcl ucurvrvese,s,aappoolylylilnineeffoorrmmeedd bbyy ccoonnnneeccttiinnggeeaacchhddivivididiningg poipnot icnatncabne bueseudseads aasnaanpapprporxoixmimataiotinonofofaacucurvrvee. . C d>γ B C E d>γ d>γ D B...