2 Looking to 2025, 43% of Americans from OpenTable's research said they plan to dine out on Wednesday if they were to dine out during the week. Why? 41% say to break up the week.1 Come one, come all –While solo dining is up 10% YoY, group dining is also having a moment: ...
health sciences and psychology clinical courses and a few others. Between those two dates, the school also allowed students to move into residence halls, following a "de-densified"housing plan. The on-campus dining options have been reconfigured with sneeze guards and Plexiglas barriers, physical ...
Royal Caribbean's private island in the Bahamas was plenty of fun, even though we didn't plan anything in advance. If we had made plans, we would have liked to check out the Up, Up and Away tethered hot air balloon, which wasn't running that day, and the overwater cabanas at Coco...
However, if you plan to celebrate the New Year, remember that walking home is always the best option after a night of revelry, and with all of the fine food and open doors right on your doorstep, why go any further? Happy New Year, and see you in 2005! Gobbler sandwich selections ...
This research was funded by Texas Tech University and the Office of Research, the Provost’s Office, and College of Health and Human Sciences. Institutional Review Board Statement The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by Human Research of Texas Tech ...