We propose Extensive-Form Double Oracle (XDO), an extensive-form double oracle algorithm that is guaranteed to converge to an approximate Nash equilibrium linearly in the number of infostates. Unlike PSRO, which mixes best responses at the root of the game, XDO mixes best responses at every...
Double Oracle Algorithm for Computing Equilibria in Continuous GamesLukás AdamRostislav HorcíkTomás KaslTomás KroupaNational Conference on Artificial Intelligence
README MIT license Code for XDO: A Double Oracle Algorithm for Extensive-Form Games Includes RLlib PyTorch implementations of NXDO, PSRO, and NFSP. Installation Running Experiments Check this repo for tabular experiment code. Feel free to reach out to JB for help at jblanier@uci.edu!About...
so in order to write an Oracle block, the Operating System needs to perform more than one write. As an example: if OS block size is 512 bytes and Oracle block size is 8K, the OS
这里不扯太远了。简单的将,由于数据库的最小IO单位是page或者block,mysql 默认是16kb,而Oracle 大家通常默认使用8k的block size。这就导致数据库的一次最小IO对于操作系统来讲,需要调用多次完成。这里以MySQL为例,每一次写16kb,假定os 最小IO为4k;那么需要调用4次。那么问题就来了。
Algorithm: This parameter defaults to FALSE at startup. If set to LIOCHK we read the bunch of blocks, written by this DBWR process recently, into a PGA array and check the complete contents of the block with a memcmp. If set to SCNCHK we log the SCN of a block change into the simu...
46.int * double ?forums.oracle.com this has to do with precision. under the covers, either the multiplication needs to be done int*int or double*double, so either the int needs converted to a double or the double to an int. in first case no precision is lost, but in the second the...
虽然Oracle 号称是这个星球最强关系型OLTP数据库,但是我认为仍然存在这个问题,因为DB层毕竟难以感知OS层的IO操作。 我们先来看下Oracle data block的结构: 代码语言:javascript 复制 BBED>setfile7block347FILE#7BLOCK#347BBED>mapFile:/opt/oracle/oradata/ENMOTECH/users01.dbf(7)Block:347Dba:0x01c0015b---KTB...
Euclid’s algorithm C# Event method called twice EventHandler: Is event always in the same thread? And what about thread safety? Events within BackgroundWorker.DoWork() - Calls are illegal examples using C# with Ta Lib or others Examples, or guiidance on sending a docx file to a thermal...
hashing hash-functions hashcode hashmap hashset hashing-algorithm remove hashtable add hopscotch-hashing contains probing open-addressing cuckoo-hashing-algorithm distinct-elements double-hashing robin-hood-hashing Updated on Jan 18, 2019 Java giorgossofronas / Abstract-Data-Types Star 6 Code Issues...