Double Oracle Algorithm for Computing Equilibria in Continuous GamesLukás AdamRostislav HorcíkTomás KaslTomás KroupaNational Conference on Artificial Intelligence
We propose Extensive-Form Double Oracle (XDO), an extensive-form double oracle algorithm that is guaranteed to converge to an approximate Nash equilibrium linearly in the number of infostates. Unlike PSRO, which mixes best responses at the root of the game, XDO mixes best responses at every...
README MIT license Code for XDO: A Double Oracle Algorithm for Extensive-Form Games Includes RLlib PyTorch implementations of NXDO, PSRO, and NFSP. Installation Running Experiments Check this repo for tabular experiment code. Feel free to reach out to JB for help at!About...
but different than the global setting innodb_checksum_algorithm.@param[in] curr_algo current checksum algorithm@param[in] page_checksum page valid checksum@param[in] page_id page identifier */void page_warn_strict_checksum(srv_checksum_algorithm_t curr_algo,srv_checksum_algorithm_t page_checksum,...
Algorithm: This parameter defaults to FALSE at startup. If set to LIOCHK we read the bunch of blocks, written by this DBWR process recently, into a PGA array and check the complete contents of the block with a memcmp. If set to SCNCHK we log the SCN of a block change into the simu...
srv_checksum_algorithm_t page_checksum, const page_id_t &page_id); 说完了MySQL,我们再来看看PostgreSQL(开源数据库永远的老二)是否也存在这个问题。由于我本身对PostgreSQL是不太熟的,所以查阅了相关文档后发现,PG在很早的版本就引入了full page write机制,来避免这种partial write问题。
近期看到朋友圈转发了几篇关于MySQL innodb double write的文章,感觉都还不错。突然想到为什么Oracle没有这个东西?PostgreSQL是否也有类似机制? 在网上搜了一下,发现有人之前简单写过类似文章,但是没有一篇能够完全分析透彻的的。 所以,我想来好好说一下这个问题。
Hi there, I was trying to answer one of the algorithm problems on TopCoder whereby a message is displayed only if the percentage of seconds elapsed is exactly10.00000%, 11.000000% etc. You have to parse a time string and convert it to seconds and then see how many messages will be displa...