Perovskites possessing lead have gained immense consideration recently owing to their unique optoelectronic properties. Thus, they are considered highly su
molecules Article trans-Double Bond-Containing Liposomes as Potential Carriers for Drug Delivery Giorgia Giacometti 1,2, Marina Marini 2 ID , Kyriakos Papadopoulos 1, Carla Ferreri 3 ID and Chryssostomos Chatgilialoglu 1,3,* ID 1 Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, N.C.S.R. "...
metals Article Strength Analysis of a Novel High-Pressure Die with Double-Layered Split Structure Zhuo Yi 1,2, Wenzhi Fu 1,2,*, Mingzhe Li 1,2,*, Liang Zhao 1,2, Liyan Wang 1,2 and Rui Li 3 1 Roll Forging Institute, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China; yizhuo15@mails.jlu....