(A.4) where the ci's can uniquely be obtained from V AA˙ by contracting with any two members of the dyad and using the dyad normalization condition, yielding XAA˙ = voAo¯A˙ + ζoA¯ιA˙ + ζ¯ιAo¯A˙ + uιA¯ιA˙ , ∇AA˙ = oAo¯A˙ ∆ − oA¯...
Maximization of potential cognitive- enhancing effects of the PRT is supported by introduction of novel exercise after every 8 sessions and encouraging visualisation, counting out loud, and imagery of the muscle repetitions contracting during rest intervals. Table 2 Progressive Resistance Training ...
L-carnitine tartrate has been shown to improve relatively short-term recovery among athletes. However, there is a lack of research on the longer-term effects in the general population. Objective: The primary objectives of this randomized double-blind, pl
Tehnet wmasinstcuodniceldu.siTohnes maraeianscfoonllcolwussi:ons are as follows: (1) When the double-line tunnel excavvaattiioonn wwaass ffiinniisshheedd,, tthhee ggrroouunndd ssuurrffaaccee sseettttllee-- ment curves at different sections induced by the double-line tunnels under...